[re]vision 09

2009 Master of Architecture Graduation Blog

[re]vision 09 random header image


Posted by on August 10th, 2009 · Uncategorized

Greetings fellow Architects!

As discussed in Week 1, the Graduation Committee has asked for your help in making the process of image and text collection much more streamlined. This is why we have created a folder on Emustore into which you will be required to submit images and text of your final project.

Files are to be submitted in ftp:\\Emustore\submit\ARCH7202 GP – Grad Exhb Cat Image – S2 09\

Within this folder is a list of studio tutors. Pick your tutor and submit ONE (1) ZIP file which includes Catalogue images and text, and ONE (1) ZIP file which includes Website images and text.

So, every student will submit TWO (2) ZIP files.

*     Joe_Bloggs_Catalogue.zip

*     Joe_Bloggs_Website.zip

ZIP files MUST be in the above format.

If any student has any trouble with this process, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Grad Committee members.

Kind regards,

Graduation Committee

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