Location: Creative Studios, the NCCL (National Centre for Creative Learning), Level 3

Museum of Contemporary Art

140 George St Sydney, NSW.
Date: 14 Jun Friday.
Time: 2-5pm


‘The role art education in an age of ecological crisis and the globalisation of knowledge’

The Leonardo Education and Arts Forum (a working group of Leonardo ® /ISAST), and the ISEA Education Workshop in partnership with the MCA and the National Institute for Experimental Arts (NIEA) at COFA, UNSW, continue its successful international education event-initiatives. We are organising a forum to build on previous events in sustainability, transdisciplinarity post media assimilation, art and science cloud curriculum that is linked to a developing body of knowledge in the area of Science, Technology, Art, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) and Science, Engineering Art and Design (SEAD).


This workshop will address and encourage participants to share experiences and difficulties encountered while confronting problems facing art education, ecology, and the the clouding of knowledge  when meshing curricula from diverse fields. The workshops are developed by invited local and regional experts. Each presenter is selected for their experience and will give a short introduction on the topic.



Workshop leaders
Nina Czegledy
Paul Thomas
The problems facing art education will be addressed and discussed through the various workshop themes. Attendees will participate in one of the themes working groups with the discussions led by the group leaders.



1. The role of the art institution in developing art/science cloud curriculum that addresses the STEAM/SEAD vision. (globalisation of education)

2. The shift needed to take place in art education in order to explore the new realities of the evolving reorganization of practice, research and knowledge.

3. Current thinking of the role of education in the age of ecological crisis and sustainability through the agency of art and sciences mobilization of collective group learning methodologies.

Each working group leader is selected for their experience to give a short introduction (5 minutes each) on a defined topic.
Theme moderators

Jane Prophet
Mike Philips
Andrea Polli
Ian Clothier
Jamie Allen
Joanna Hoffmann
Each working theme moderator is selected for their experience to give a short introduction (5 minutes each) on a one of the themes.