City Futures Blog

News and research in housing and urban policy, from Australia’s leading urban policy research centre.

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Productivity Commission stance could hold potential for social housing gains

September 27th, 2016 · No Comments · Government

By Hal Pawson, Associate Director, City Futures Research Centre. Originally published at The Conversation. The new Productivity Commission report favouring “greater competition, contestability and user choice” in social housing has caused concern among advocates for low-income tenants. The report is an interim output from an ongoing review of the nation’s human services – including public […]



More questions than answers in NSW ‘strategic housing’ announcement

January 26th, 2016 · 1 Comment · Government, Housing supply, Uncategorized

By Hal Pawson and Vivienne Milligan Finally, the long wait is over. Five years after taking office the State Government’s Family and Community Services Department (FACS) has at last pronounced on ‘Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW’. All of the paper’s broad themes – modernisation, additional supply and supporting tenants – will resonate with the […]



Urban disadvantage study presents challenge for new Minister

September 26th, 2015 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Many in the policy community were taken unawares by the Australian Government’s recently announced intent to re-engage with matters urban. In creating a ministry for Cities and the Built Environment, the new Prime Minister has refreshingly acknowledged that ‘liveable cities, efficient, productive cities, the environment of cities, are economic assets’. This development has coincided neatly with the publication […]



Rooming house residents not yet adequately protected

August 13th, 2015 · No Comments · Uncategorized

(Self-portrait in front of boarding house – Charles Blackman) Recent reforms to rooming house (or boarding house) regulation have as yet proved only partially effective in ensuring better resident outcomes in this relatively high risk form of accommodation. The new oversight systems established in parallel in 2012 in NSW and Victoria both involved the creation […]



What choice for tenants in Australia’s public housing transfers?

August 10th, 2015 · No Comments · Uncategorized

By Hal Pawson and Ilan Wiesel Recent years have seen federal and state governments taking a growing interest in transferring public housing to community housing providers (CHPs). CHP tenants may receive rent assistance (RA), whereas public housing tenants cannot. For this reason alone, such transfers can inject significant additional funds, captured indirectly through rent, into […]



Disadvantaged places in urban Australia: residential mobility, place attachment and social exclusion

July 23rd, 2015 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Many residents of disadvantaged suburbs in our major cities rightly see their home locality as posing problems for themselves and their neighbours. Key concerns include exposure to relatively high rates of crime and antisocial behaviour (41% of people living in such areas believe that ‘crime is a problem here’), and remoteness from job-rich localities (only […]



Social Enterprises Can Help Drive Social, Economic Growth

July 13th, 2015 · No Comments · Construction, Social enterprise

By Professor Martin Loosemore, Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW There is a new breed of Australian social entrepreneurs operating in the construction industry who are creating inspiring social enterprises which trade for a social and/or environmental purpose. These social enterprises feed their profits back into the communities in which they operate rather than to […]



A New Metropolitan Consciousness: Towards a Resilient Sydney

July 9th, 2015 · 1 Comment · Wellbeing

By Greg Paine, City Wellbeing Program, City Futures Research Centre City Futures attended the recent workshop held by the City of Sydney as the first stage in establishing a program for a “resilient Sydney” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s $100 million 100 Resilient Cities program – which is to assist 100 cities world-wide to […]



A Fresh Lens on Housing Unaffordability – Fixing the Problem

June 18th, 2015 · No Comments · Affordability, Housing

‘A Fresh Lens on Housing’ – Paper presented at the Urban Conversations event 10 May 2015 hosted by the Australian Graduate School of Urbanism at UNSW Built Environment, Cox Richardson Architects and Planners and the NSW Architects Registration Board. By: Prof Bill Randolph, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW Built Environment Part 2 – Housing Unaffordability […]



A Fresh Lens on Housing Unaffordability – The Problem and its Causes

June 16th, 2015 · 1 Comment · Affordability, Housing supply, Planning reform

Paper presented at the Urban Conversations event 10 June 2015 hosted by the Australian Graduate School of Urbanism at UNSW Built Environment, Cox Richardson Architects and Planners and the NSW Architects Registration Board By: Prof Bill Randolph, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW Built Environment Part 1: The Problem and its Causes It is surely a […]

