City Futures Blog

News and research in housing and urban policy, from Australia’s leading urban policy research centre.

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Entries Tagged as 'Government'

Housing: New Reapolitik Needs a New Real Economics

March 22nd, 2018 · No Comments · Affordability, Cities, Economy, Government, Housing, Productivity

By Duncan Maclennan, Laura Crommelin, Ryan van den Nouwelant, Hal Pawson.  Originally published on John Menadue’s Pearls and Irritations. Managing the pressured housing markets of cities such as Sydney and Melbourne poses a major challenge to governments at both state and Federal levels. As has become increasingly clear, such trajectories are wreaking serious damage for younger […]



Affordable housing policy failure still being fuelled by flawed analysis

March 15th, 2018 · No Comments · Affordability, Construction, Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Housing supply

By Nicole Gurran, University of Sydney; Bill Randolph, UNSW; Peter Phibbs, University of Sydney; Rachel Ong, Curtin University, and Steven Rowley, Curtin University. This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Australia has a housing affordability problem. There’s no doubt about that. Unfortunately, one of the reasons the problem has become so […]



Six lessons on how to make affordable housing funding work across Australia

February 14th, 2018 · No Comments · Construction, Finance, Government, Housing supply, urban renewal

New affordable housing development in Melbourne. Image: Ryan van den Nouwelant By Laurence Troy, Bill Randolph, Ryan van den Nouwelant and Vivienne Milligan, City Futures Research Centre. This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. A suitable construction funding model is the critical missing ingredient needed to deliver more affordable housing in Australia. Aside from short-lived […]



What Australia can learn from overseas about the future of rental housing

January 24th, 2018 · No Comments · Demographics, Finance, Government, Housing, Housing conditions, International, Law, Private rental, Tenancy

Image: AAP/David Crosling By Chris Martin. This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. When we talk about rental housing in Australia, we often make comparisons with renting overseas. Faced with insecure tenancies and unaffordable home ownership, we sometimes try to envisage European-style tenancies being imported here. And, over the past year, […]



‘Affordable Rental Housing Targets’ – How do the Greater Sydney Commission proposals match up to US practices?

January 22nd, 2018 · No Comments · Construction, Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Housing supply, Sydney, urban renewal

By Richard Drdla, Richard Drdla Associates, Toronto, Canada. We asked Richard, an expert on planning for affordable housing in North America, for his views on the Greater Sydney Commission’s recent policy proposals for ‘affordable rental housing targets’ . Richard compares various aspects of the GSC proposals, as set out in its October 2017 ‘Information Note’, with the corresponding ‘inclusionary zoning’ (IZ) practices […]



Government guarantee opens investment highway to affordable housing

December 5th, 2017 · No Comments · Finance, Government, Guest appearance, Housing

By Julie Lawson, Honorary Associate Professor, RMIT University; Hal Pawson, Associate Director – City Futures Research Centre, UNSW, and Vivienne Milligan, Senior Visiting Fellow – City Futures Research Centre, UNSW. This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Australian governments have stepped into the market at critical times since the late 19th […]



Facts sink glib housing supply mantra – the focus must be on affordable rental

November 21st, 2017 · No Comments · Affordability, Cities, Finance, Government, Housing, Housing supply, Sydney, urban renewal

By Hal Pawson, UNSW. This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. As everyone supposedly knows, fixing housing unaffordability is simply a matter of boosting housing supply. But wait! With their just-published report on house-building and population growth, ANU academics Ben Phillips and Cukkoo Joseph have blown yet another hole in that […]



Federal Government’s affordable housing reforms need a social housing investment plan

November 13th, 2017 · No Comments · Finance, Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Housing supply, Law, Money

By Julie Lawson, Honorary Associate Professor, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University. City Futures Research Centre is collaborating with Dr Lawson on the AHURI Inquiry ‘Social Housing as Infrastructure‘. The Centre for Urban Research in its submission concerning the National Housing and Finance Investment Corporation to the Federal Treasury provides evidence to support an appropriately governed […]



New report maps the route to affordable housing expansion

October 4th, 2017 · No Comments · Finance, Government, Housing supply, Uncategorized

By Hal Pawson, City Futures Research Centre. Important new steps towards expanding Australia’s affordable housing were mapped out in a hard-hitting official report, published last week. The paper, by the Affordable Housing Working Group reporting to the Council for Federal Financial Relations, draws substantially on recent City Futures Research Centre findings. Its main purpose is […]



Mounting housing stress underscores need for expert council to guide wayward policymaking

September 27th, 2017 · No Comments · Affordability, Construction, Data, Demographics, Government, Housing, Housing supply

By Hal Pawson, UNSW and Oliver Frankel, University of Technology Sydney. Originally published on The Conversation. A recent policy pledge by Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen has given fresh heart to campaigners for the restoration of the former National Housing Supply Council (NHSC). The Abbott government axed the council in 2013. With housing stress intensifying across […]

