City Futures Blog

News and research in housing and urban policy, from Australia’s leading urban policy research centre.

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Entries Tagged as 'Guest appearance'

Room sharing is the new flat sharing

October 13th, 2017 · No Comments · Affordability, Cities, Guest appearance, Housing, Housing conditions, Marginal rental, Public space, Sydney, Wellbeing

“Looking for one girl to share a master room with another 3 girls.” Screenshot from Gumtree ad, August 19 2017, 11:58 , Author provided. By Christian Tietz, UNSW. Originally published on The Conversation. Christian’s exhibition of new work – DENSA: Exploring New Urban Equipment for Denser Living – will be on display throughout the Red Centre […]



Harnessing Big Data in Challenging Urban Contexts

August 9th, 2017 · No Comments · Cities, Data, Guest appearance, Law, Migration, Sustainability, Transport

Harnessing big data in an urban context is the “grand challenge.” Image: AIG By Laura Bruce, Built Environment, UNSW Sydney. On July 21st 2017 academics and public sector representatives met to discuss the challenge of harnessing big data in the urban context in order to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event was hosted […]



The insecurity of private renters – how do they manage it?

May 24th, 2017 · No Comments · Affordability, Guest appearance, Law, Sydney, Tenancy, Wellbeing

Alan Morris, University of Technology Sydney; Hal Pawson, UNSW, and Kath Hulse, Swinburne University of Technology. This article was originally published on The Conversation.  A growing proportion of Australian households depend on the private rental sector for accommodation. This growth has occurred despite substantial insecurity of tenure under the law, unlike other countries with high private […]



New to Australia? Good luck! Migrants can no longer afford ‘gateway’ suburbs

May 5th, 2017 · No Comments · Affordability, Cities, Demographics, Guest appearance, Housing, Migration, Sydney, Wellbeing

Jack Wright/flickr, CC BY-NC   By Hazel Easthope, UNSW and Wendy Stone, Swinburne University of Technology. Originally published on The Conversation. The concentration of disadvantaged people in certain parts of cities is almost always seen as undesirable by urban researchers and policymakers. But is this always the case? Our research demonstrates that it isn’t. Concentrations of people […]



Flying into uncertainty: Western Sydney’s ‘aerotropolis’ poses more questions than answers

March 23rd, 2017 · No Comments · Cities, Government, Guest appearance, Sydney, Transport

The uncertainties about the new Badgerys Creek airport in Western Sydney are raising many questions that only good governance can resolve. from By Robert Freestone, UNSW While Melburnians sombrely reflect on the risks of intensive commercial development near airport runways, Sydneysiders are enthusiastically scoping the development spin-offs that will come with their new airport in […]



Contested spaces: living next door to Alice (and Anh and Abdullah)

March 14th, 2017 · No Comments · Cities, Demographics, Guest appearance, Housing, Wellbeing

How is apartment living changing the way we get to know our increasingly diverse neighbourhoods? from Edgar Liu, UNSW; Christina Ho, University of Technology Sydney, and Hazel Easthope, UNSW. Originally published on The Conversation. Ethnic conflict is on the rise in Australia, with regular reports of racist abuse in public spaces, including transport, streets […]



How Australia can spread the benefits of our bulging infrastructure pipeline

February 8th, 2017 · No Comments · Construction, Government, Guest appearance, Social enterprise

By Martin Loosemore, UNSW. Originally published on The Conversation. Good infrastructure can transform the social fabric of local communities, regional economies and national prosperity. The 2012 Olympics’ impact on London’s East End and the Guggenheim Museum’s role in revitalising Bilbao in northern Spain are examples of how infrastructure projects can regenerate disadvantaged communities by creating a […]



Value Capture: options for funding infrastructure

October 6th, 2016 · 2 Comments · Cities, Construction, Guest appearance, Transport, urban renewal

By Dr Nigel Stapledon and Prof Kevin Fox, Centre for Applied Economic Research, University of NSW. This article draws on the authors’ report, Value Capture Is Not a Magic Pudding: options for funding infrastructure, prepared for the Urban Taskforce. With major new transport infrastructure being built in our major cities, the idea of value capture has been in the […]



Open letter to the NSW Premier and Planning Minister

September 6th, 2016 · No Comments · Affordability, Cities, Guest appearance, Housing, Housing supply

By Wendy Hayhurst (CEO, NSW Federation of Housing Associations), Katherine McKernan (CEO, Homelessness NSW), Professor Peter Phibbs (Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney), Professor Bill Randolph (Director, City Futures, UNSW) and Dr Tim Williams (CEO, Committee for Sydney) Dear Mr Baird and Mr Stokes At the recent 2016 Affordable Housing Conference there was consensus from the […]



The 30 Minute City (part 2): challenges and opportunities in Western Sydney

August 29th, 2016 · 1 Comment · Cities, Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Transport, Wellbeing

By Kerry Robinson, General Manager, Blacktown City Council. This is the second of a two-part series adapted from presentations to the Planning Institute of Australia mid-winter breakfast on the 30 minute city; see part 1 by Professor Susan Thompson, City Futures Research Centre. Blacktown City is 20-22 km across and home to 348,000 people, 111,000 jobs […]

