This is the blog for the 2020 summer semester course in creative experimentation offered at UNSW Art & Design, University of New South Wales for students who are interested in innovation, creativity and ideas development. Students in a wide variety of degrees dealing with creativity in art, design and media will benefit from this course through exposure to new transdisciplinary methodologies and creative opportunities. Experimental Arts will provide an intensive experience that demonstrates the potential for experimental art to enrich fine art, design or digital media practice. Key questions explored through projects include: What is experimentation? What makes art ‘experimental’? What are the results of aesthetic experiments and why do we need them? Could artists invent new modes of experimentation with/for science? What are the differences between experiments and inventions; experiments and failures; experiment and innovation? Students will explore these concepts in a unique environment designed to obtain unexpected outcomes, and will help students from a wide range of backgrounds develop practice-led research within the areas of emerging and creative technologies. The course will be run as an intensive for one week in a laboratory/workshop, with follow-up using the online wiki and a final day of presentation on Wednesday 29th January. This course is suited to and available for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students.“We have entered the experimental age…Experiments are no longer conducted just in the laboratory. They have become collective experiments that concern each and every one of us.” Bruno Latour, 2004.

Course outlines
