Juxtaposition Around Us


For my final experiment, I sought to find juxtaposition in the natural and artificial world around us. Photos are presented in chronological order. After seeing that stupid jug of milk on the dock, I realized the greatest and most sincere visual, and often figurative, juxtaposition is found, not created. I won’t explain each photo one by one, because I believe meaning to the individual would be lost: it cannot necessarily be prescribed in something so vast as a captured moment. I will preface that each photo incorporates at least one existing visual juxtaposition of color, texture, matter, motion, distance, size, etc. Some pit unnatural elements against natural, or at least an unexpected environment or location (e.g. the milk). All photos have been edited to enhance visual juxtaposition and draw attention to the elements it juxtaposes, mainly colors. All photos after the first two are taken on my recent weekend trip to Brisbane, Gold Coast (regrettably), and Byron Bay (stunning).