Mind Map

So i started doodling through the book and creating a path by going in between words, I even found a Pathways playlist which i listened while doodling to see if the music would influence the direction i would draw on the book.

Each page was different none were alike, as i draw i tried not to think but just go with the flow. Looking back to all the pages i had already manipulated not knowing where this linework would take me next i decided to colour in which further emphasized the clear passage that the book made.

As i was trying to read the dialogue which now has been cut almost in half and tried to make sense of it and wonder how much it would alter the story.


While listening to the audio 1 & 2 you get glimpse of the story and can almost work out what it is about, which the little words such as ZOMBIES and CRUSH your brain attempts to makes sense and creates a story. Its not until I listen to audio 3 where you get more context that you can’t actually start to make out the real story. The 3 audios are very different and you could almost say they have their own story but at the end of the day they are the same as the came from the same page.

It made me think back to the word PATH and how we can go on a path or journey, which it may be known or unknown but along the way the course of life there are always obstacles, options and different direction that may take you in many different places that you wouldn’t expect but in the end it always you just in different versions.