Embank is the word i got from the randomly generated process.

step 1 brainstorm for inspiration of future projects.

protect, support, into safety, hide, identity

Step 2 general experimental ideas

1 box myself into it

2 tape up face

3 wall self off from world or world from me.


Experiment 1 Damn

Beavers are known to make dams on banks to prevent water from flowing and also provide a habitat for themselves. Here they create a structure to sustain their lives, but also contrastingly they also destroy/alter their environment by creating their protection such as woodcutting and disrupting waterflow.

I then thought of similar easily manufactured shelters that we make. I looked at the homeless on the streets with their boxes.

Experiment 2 The hidden self

a beaver burrows and “embanks” themselves to protect their families and themselves

This led to me thinking about hiding and protecting one’s identity.

In class Experiment


I had a box and decided my head was a nice place to wear it.

WHO IS this person you ask?…

ITS me

While wearing the disguise for while,  discovered that it led to issue of being restricted in many ways.
While I may not explore this in the name of “embank”ment i know that it would be a good method of handicapping myself in other art making areas.

Experiment 3 The Wall

Much like Experiment 1, this one also deals building a structure. However this furthers it by placing the emphasis on the barrier as oppose to a “shelter”. It was to be more preventing something from entering rather than hiding in something. Obviously a beaver dam is still a major influencer of this idea as a water wall is their main speciality.

Wall experiment i (in class wall)

This initial experiment was created at the same time as me realising that cardboard box could be use for many structural things. Here I thought of the possibility of what i could blockade and interrupt with this work.





the Work of Wall

This is an ongoing work that is designed to interrupt a certain person’s daily routine and hence try to gain that response.

The location: MY ROOM

This is the only entrance into my room.

As my mother is constantly pestering my for EVERYTHING… it was time to put a barrier between her maddening screeches/ and “CLEANING” and my resting place.

This is the wall of the boxes of old toys and models that i accumulated adding myself to the barricade

The artwork is ongoing as the work will be finished at the end of the day or when someone destroys it.

Will the wind blow it over, will the cat nyat allow it to live, will my family destroy it all, or will it live?

To be continued…