One as a Whole

For Experiment 2 I went in a completely different direction. I wanted to do something with the the phrase “One as a Whole.” So my first move was to search for meanings.

To consider all the parts of something as one unit

Containing all components


Not divided or disjoined

In one unit

A number, group, set, or thing lacking no part or element

A complete thing

All parts or aspects considered




These were the main ones I decided to set apart for my research. “One as a Whole” basically means many parts together. It means a complete set of things. Which is easy to understand right? When pieces are separate, they are not 1, but when they are together, they are a unit. The interesting thing is, when you separate the pieces of whatever unit you may think about, each of them is 1. Each of them are their own unit. So you would really be putting together many units into 1 unit. Confusing right? Well, no one ever said art was easy.

So after thinking about this for a long time, and trying to come up with something that would explain my view on this phrase, I came up with something. I have always loved to draw. I do it for fun. So why not do something that involved drawing? My final idea was to draw different things, that would be a single unit alone, but that would be a complete unit when put together as well. For example, different body parts. I drew different body parts on a piece of paper and cut them out separately. So what is the result? The result is that we have different units, but when put together, we have a whole body, a whole unit.

Part of the experiment was also to have my classmates participate in it. I have always liked interactive presentations and thought this would be a fun way for them to understand my project. So I will ask my classmates to play around with the pieces and sets, see the results, and then explain to them what they are really doing.