Step 1: Generate a random number; this will represent a measurement of time in seconds.

  1. Research the exact time of the sunset on the current day, as well as the exact time of the sunrise on the following day.
  2. Calculate the difference between these two times in minutes.
  3. Take each individual digit from this measurement of minutes and add them together. (This reduces the value of the time measurement to (most likely) three simple, evenly weighted digits.)
    • For example: if the measurement is 123 minutes, I would then add 1+2+3=6. Thus my final measurement would be 6 seconds.

Step 2: Generate a random scene to be observed.

  • For my situation, I will ask a group of friends for a song recommendation. I will use the first song that is recommended to me.

Step 3: Combine the random measurement and the random scene to achieve a final specific result.

  • I will play the official music video for the recommended song on YouTube, and pause the video at the exact time (in seconds) determined by the random number generated.
  • For this exact moment of the video, I will observe and record anything intriguing. This may include people, visuals, audio, etc.

Reasoning and Meaning:
I have chosen to work with sunsets, sunrises, songs, and videos because I really enjoy each of these aspects on their own. I like the idea of deriving art from other art as I find inspiration in the music videos created by other artitsts. Since these aspects are very separate from one another, the process can remain random.

Furthermore, the measurements will most likely always remain compatible. The amount of time (in minutes) between each sunset and sunrise in Sydney will always be between three and four digits long, where each digit is a number 0-9. When added separately, the absolute most these digits could equal is 27 seconds (this would occur with 999 minutes between sunset and sunrise). The average song is roughly 3 minutes (or 180 seconds), and well over the maximum randomly generated value of 27 seconds. So, theoretically, the randomly generated number of seconds should always remain within the parameters of a randomly selected song/music video.