The thought of creating a random generator device was an exciting one.  My usual inclination to conceptualise and plan artworks had to take a back seat and randomness was to become my only guide.

Eager to halt all sense of consciousness, I decided to mould my device around my deepest sleeping patterns.  As I hopped into bed on Monday evening, and strapped a Fitbit to my wrist, I was curious to see how my sleeping patterns that evening would determine my journey the following morning.


The Device – How it works:

– The time I fall into my deepest and longest sleep state would be superimposed on a compass to determine the direction in which I would travel (the hour hand of an analogue clock would be converted into a compass direction)

E.g. 3am = Due East

– The length of my deepest and longest sleep state will determine the length of time I will travel in that direction


The Morning After – Fitbit Findings:



As shown above, my deepest and longest period of sleep was at 1:49am for almost 22 minutes.

Translating the hour hand of an analogue clock at 1:49am to a direction on a compass, saw me travelling between NE and ENE, shown by the red arrow below.


I would walk in this direction for 22 minutes.


The Journey:
My 22 minute walk in a NE/ENE direction led me to Rose Bay Marina.
Here, I found: Flat White