Apocalypse Now Redux (1979/2001). Screenshot of selected second, with subtitle.


I’m thrilled with this word. I found myself feeling conflicted when Apocalypse Now Redux (1979/2001) emerged as a film: I have never seen it, but its reputation preceded it and I had a knee-jerk response of disappointment that I would be dealing with a film that covered subject matter that I considered distressing. However, I did feel that authenticity was one of the most important parts of this project, so I persevered.

On determining that the word selected from my random generator, any reservations I may have had completely evaporated. To have this word, from this film, in the current international socio-political climate? Amazing.

Some of my initial ideas did immediately turn to subjects like the one above. I’m leaning to explore what man signifies: what is it to be a man, singularly and individually? What is it to be man, collectively?

I’d really like to explore contemporary notions of masculinity, and the perceptions of it across all genders, especially in relation to violence and war. I’d also like to look at masculinity across all areas of society, from the a more domestic sphere to the halls of parliament.

Please click through to the individual Experiment pages to view the works.