Step 1

As part of the process, of deriving the Random Generator, I began by documenting the exact time at which, I tend to wake up during the night, as I am a soft-sleeper. I selected ‘time’, as my starting-point because, I feel, it is the most concrete numeric medium to rely upon. And, it is a strong way to successfully annotate data.

I found myself waking up in the middle of the night at 3:35 am, and began to wonder what I could potentially use the digits as, to formulate my narrative. I took a screenshot of the frame that reflected the time on my phone and chose to get back to sleep.

Step 2

I woke up the same morning, contemplating upon the utilization the digits of the time to act upon my random initiative. So, I decided to collect exactly three dollars and thirty-five cents, thus corresponding to the time I woke up, from all the change that I had in my wallet and began to trace the top of the coins on a piece of paper.

I traced out the following on the sheet in order to cut to them to their actual size and planned on using them as fake currency for conducting a random activity.

1 x Two Dollar

1 x One Dollar

1 x Twenty Cents

1 x Two Cents

1 x Five Cents

I continued to think of possibilities that can allow me to make use of the currency, on either purchasing something tangible or securing my way to a location. Further, I got to the bus stop and settled on putting the fake money to use by asking for a ride to my university.

Step 3

I found myself to be in an extremely helpless position, when my random proposition of taking a bus ride to university, using the coins I had traced, was seeming to be declined by the few first bus-drivers I had approached. It was then, that I started to doubt my own instinct of being random and thought of requesting for a ride using the fake currency from any bus that could take me to any location.

It was after seven attempts that I was finally able to convince a bus-driver, to acknowledge and accept the currency I had traced, thus enabling me to be take a ride on the bus for free. I got off on the seventh stop of the bus 372 and reached Bourke Street bus stop.

Step 4

On reaching the stop, I first tried to identify the location and the area I was in, and then noticed a Turkish bakery right across the street. It was the first eatery on the junction of a busy street, with increasing amount of restaurants and several pubs. I encountered average traffic movement with people rushing to get to work. It was a commercial area, but at the same time retained physical evidences of victorian housing.

Step 5

It was during the later half of the day, that I went back to the same location to and further developed on my observations at the Turkish Bakery called Golden Pide.

It was a tiny hearth stuck in a corner, filling the air with aromas of freshly-baked breads and charcoaled chicken. It had used textured surfaces, Moroccan stained-glass lamps, compelling posters and mosaic tiling for it’s interiors. The antique lamp that was hung in the eatery, casted a decorative pattern on the ceiling that added character to the ambience of the place. It was one of the first things that grabbed my attention in the whole space.

Final Word: Pattern