When I think of all the different forms of bodies, I think of how different bodies intersect and merge. When we bathe in an ocean, walk into a forest, drink water, bite into an apple, have sex or communicate with other bodies both physically and psychologically, we begin to ask where does one body end and the other begin? In some sense there is a level of merging and fusion going on, separate entities becoming one.

I decided to make some collages exploring this idea of merging and inter connection between bodies of different shapes and forms. I have a collection of clippings from 19760’s and 70’s National Geographics, Playboys and other publications. I locked myself in my room for two days and went through them, putting things together. I created a number different visual depictions some more abstract than others. They all focused on the different ways bodies merged and intersected.

Here are the collages that emerged:

  • The individual body of a singular plant merging with the forest as a body of different flora and fauna:
  • Bodies merging with geographical/social histories:
  • The human body merging with bodies of nature:
  • Humans connecting to a body of work:
  • Sex, Kissing, Love- two bodies connecting intimately and fusing:
  • Engaging and merging with a body of a text:
  • When we identify and/or communicate with animals so much that they become like humans and lines are blurred:
  • The many times we use our hands to connect to other entities:
  • Collective bodies/groups of people uniting:
  • Bathing:
  • Drinking/when a body of liquid enter your own body:
  • Birth and motherhood:
  • Our bodies made up of over 70% water:
  • Man made bodies vs natural bodies intersecting: