My word is power and this is my mind map


I did some research and did some experiments. I found it hard to choose just one area within the word power, so at first I tried to put several meanings into the same artwork, which was a bit too much. But along as I was experimenting with different powers, I figured which one to go with, and experiment more in that specific direction. Gold frame.

It is funny how whatever it is, gets kind of a special power being put into a gold frame. Specially the older frames, that they used back in the days, they kind of give me a «royal» feeling. I did some more research on specifically the gold frame and its history. The exterior rim of the frame symbolises the power of heaven on earth. I found out that this was my go to for my artwork experiment 1. Along the research and the experimentation, i looked into the gold colour itself. 



I wanted to find a gold frame. Just like the one I was imagining in my head, which turned out to be harder than I thought. I figured I would go to a frame shop, that would be the obvious option. I had no luck, just found modern frames that were no good. Newtown on the other hand, has all the best vintage shops, and very convenient that I live there, perfect! I walked down King street, and after about five different vintage shops I finally found the perfect frame, not just one, but several as I walked further down. I actually purchased more than one because I couldn’t pick just one, they were all so beautiful as I passed the different shops on my way back after my first purchase. I ended up with three different frames.



I wanted to use them all, but I finally came down to a favourite, but I still wanted to use the other one. I found a saw and figured I would use the power of destruction at the same time.



You can se how something as powerful as this golden frame could just lose its power by being destroyed (buy another power) and not taken care of. 

But then again it’s being put back into power by the use of this gold frame.


So this is my artwork and here’s a picture of my artwork