
My random generator was counting the minutes took me to work office from my home address. Also including 4 different transport methods took me to the office. (Bus, Walk, Bicycle and Car) Each method of transportation has different routes and takes different time. I think it’s random. Then, the next step is to calculate the total amount of time spent on all modes of transportation to get a number XXX? This number also will be the random data.


 steps 1

  • Walking to the office which took me 58 min


  • Taking the bus to the office which took me 40 min


  • Driving to the office took me 13 min


  • By bicycle which took me 19 min


 step 2:


step 3:

I used Google and YouTube to search 130 to see what data would appear. And use the first English word to be my random data.


This is  the first video which I search 130 in Youtube