Broken a Dream

So this experimentation originated from an idea to experiment with one of my dream_ Video Games Player. Obviously, you can see that this is the most basic facility for gamers, a CD-ROM, and I use it as a representative for my dreams. I want to see experimentally what it looks like when I break it.


I found a game CD, and I started thinking about how to deal with these damn things. Make a sculpture? I’m thinking of turning them into pieces, smash them so that I can feel like I can’t play with this game CD anymore, and that means my dream has been broken.

  1. I start to cut them into half piece and I found it is so hard, I don’t know whether the game CD is too hard or if my underlying consciousness doesn’t want me to smash the game CD.Eventually, I smash it into many small pieces, and I can still see myself on his surface.

Eventually, I smash it into many small pieces, and I can see myself on its surface.

Then I was thinking about how to make the debris look more creative. So I start my creative experimentation.

I put them into water and I was surprised to find that they not only could float but also can sink into the water.

Then I added some paint to the water to make them look more colorful.

I took them out of the water and put them on the table to dry them up.

I tried to burn them, but they got too hot and I gave up.

And Finally, I got them dry

This is it. The experiment was very frustrating for me because my game CD meant that my dream was destroyed. But I found a lot of creative ideas in the process. For example, I found that CD-ROM can float on the water or sink under the water. I tried to burn them down, but I failed because the heat was too fast. It was like the dream in the subconscious mind was broken, but there were still some left in my mind.