In experiment 1, I received different associations about spring, and it is obviously that not everyone likes spring. For example, I got a comment which was “rhinitis”. I guess it is because spring is a period of high occurrence frequency of hay fever.

Anyway, Spring does not always mean good stuff.

A plenty of living things grow in spring time, including vegetations and animals. However, something which is unwelcome will grow in spring as well. So I try to grow something not so pretty in this experiment.

That thing is mould.

I started my process with two pieces of toast.

Not this one, it was eaten.

This is it.

Then I sprayed some water all over the bread, and used a plastic bag wrapped them and kept the bag in my cupboard.

I can saw no sign of growing mould in the first two days, but when I try to add some yogurt or milk on the toasts, a few spots of mould can be seen.

Arrived on Thursday, the toasts have been covered by green colour, and I can smell a strong unpleasant stink.

This mould might be a specie of genera Penicillium.

At last, I cut the toasts into small pieces and put them in a glass jar.

In spring, every living beings can grow freely, even moulds.