The process of finding my word was as follows:- 


  • I first spin the first category of spinner which gave me suburbs which I had to travel to and the suburb which I had to travel was “Chatswood”

  • Once I reached Chatswood, I went to the nearest bus stop in Chatswood


  • then spin the second and third category of the spinner to get the know which bus I have to catch and the time I have to spend inside the bus. The result which I got was I had to catch 5thbus which comes to the bus stop and I had to spend 35 mins in it.

  • The bus which I got was M40.

  • I had set the timer for 35 mins as the bus started for the bus station and after 35 mins I reached Park St, Townhall.

  • The first word which I read was Hotel. Thus, I selected the “hotel” as my word.