Might: String of Strength

I wanted to explore the power of puppetry in order to express emotions and experiences. Since my first experiment was a digital piece, I knew that I wanted to play around with a physical material. This forced me to capture the human interaction with the material by means of photography, which has I typically avoid.

Regardless, I began with my chosen material: yarn. After measuring, cutting, and knotting each length of yarn to two sticks – which happened to be two nail files due to a lack of extra hands – we were off to explore! 

Different areas of UNSW’s Kensington campus were tested for this experiment. Slim alley ways were ideal, but not readily available. In order to get the depth and darkness I desired, we waited until a rainstorm approached and exploring different crouching positions and angles on a back entryway staircase. While we may have received countless strange looks and queries from passerbys, I had a great time branching out.

Prior to this course, I would have seen a bundle of yarn and thought, “Oh, time to knit a scarf.” Now, however, I see simple objects such as yarn as a catalyst for creative growth. I will definitely be exploring more uses for simple objects in my future works.

Might: “great and impressive power or strength”