” 1. The distance down either from the top of something to the bottom or to a distance below the top surface of something”


In regards to experiment 1, I thought about doing something relating to the concept of the ocean/water and also the idea of extensive and detailed knowledge. The image below is the final outcome of my experiment.

[The depth of  knowledge]


Process of the experiment

As mentioned above, I wanted to implement the idea of extensive and detailed knowledge and I immediately thought of a detailed essay and writing. So I wrote an in-depth essay report on the law of attraction and wrote it 5 times on paper. The reason why I wrote it so many times is to demonstrate my personally in-depth and extensive knowledge on that topic. I personally chose the law of attraction topic

This process already illustrates the idea of “depth” however it was too basic of an experiment, therefore, I personally wanted to more where it questions and evokes the audience’s emotions somehow.  Hence, I thought of an idea of burning the papers up and submitting the paper ashes. However, after I finish the writing process I realised that there is a fire ban restriction and I didn’t want to risk nor get fined $5500. Therefore, I changed that idea to something else but still kept the concept of the in-depth analysis essay part.

When I hear the word depth, I think about the depth of the ocean and how deep it is. Hence, I’ve tried playing with the concept of water. I have recorded the sound of tap water flowing, water from the shower and boiling water but that didn’t sound like the depth of water more like the raindrops. However, after a few brainstorms, I thought about the idea of deep water and drowning in water.

I used a clear vase and filled it up to the top and started ripping the essay writing analysis in pieces and slowly put it in the water. At first, the paper ended up floating on top of the vase, so I added more ripped pieces in the vase and then the papers started slowly sinking to the bottom of the vase. I continued adding more pieces and eventually, the writing on the paper started getting smudged which made it very interesting and fascinating inside the vase.

Despite liking the outcome of the experiment, the photo that I took doesn’t seem to evoke curiosity or evoke emotions therefore the image below is my final outcome of the experiment. The photo from the top view captures some words and the smudges of the ink but most importantly it creates curiosity.

This image illustrates the idea of extensive and detailed knowledge but also the depth of something from the top of something to the bottom. The title for this picture is “The depth of knowledge” which means various things from being deep in something from a surface and having extensive knowledge on certain topics.