Artist Statement

For my second experiment I wanted to focus on the sculpture part of the word marble, so I intended to focus on the Venus de Milo sculpture by Alexandros of Antioch, which is mostly known for its missing arms and it represents love and beauty. My aim for this experiment was to create the missing arms of the sculpture with limited materials, to create the missing parts that we don’t get to see, I also intended for my sculpture to have a marble like texture, so I practiced the marbling paint technique on four different papers which showed some of my mistakes, like a blob however, I still considered it art as it represents my process of improving this technique, I then created two scrunch up pieces of paper and used the marbling technique on it to create pointed and rough marble rock sculptures which is different to the smoothness of an ordinary marble texture. I wanted to use tape from the first experiment where I create images of the broken marbles, I used this tape to cast my arm, then I taped paper to it before using the marbling paint technique. I decided to create two more to further make the casting technique process finer, I realised even though my technique was getting better, making a sculpture this way was untidy however, the unfinished appearance is similar to how the Venus de Milo is broken and uncompleted yet still a beautiful sculpture. I decided to keep the three sculptures because all of the sculptures are unique in its own way, then I used a cup to make the hands stand so the marble texture can be viewed from different angles. Since the sculptures I created were rough I decided to recreate the arms by painting my hand white to make it smoother. After painting my hand white I made a video moving my fingers creating an effect of a sculpture coming to life, then I used the marbling paint technique on my hand and added it to the video to show my process, to create a story documenting my hand being turned into a marble sculpture.

Marble technique practice.

Scrunched Paper Marble Rocks

Process of making the tape cast hand and using the marbling paint technique.

Photos of the hands.

Painted hand photos.

Using the marbling technique on the painted hand.