Artist Statement

For my third experiment I decided to go back to the toy marble however, I will be focusing on how I can use the marbles to paint. I decided to paint with marbles so I covered the inside of a box with paper then I dipped the marble in paint, and shook the painted marbles in the box.  I did this three times, each time I would add more water, the images were abstract as it shows the trail of the marbles. As I was washing the marbles, I noticed the beauty of the marbles in water especially when adding paint to that water. This led me to create videos of me pouring different colours of paint onto the marbles and showing how the it interacts with the marbles with how it moves around and reflects the colour off of it. The video of it reminds me of the moving milky way of the universe with the marbles representing the planets, from the video I then took screenshots of the best images to showcase them as they are also individually beautiful. The problems I had with this experiment was how every time I poured more paint the smaller marbles would get covered up and it would only show the bigger marbles. I decided to collect residue from this experiment so I placed the painted marbles in the box with paper and shook it to create an abstract image, and during the experiment I would use the marbling technique by placing smaller paper onto the painted water, I also kept the paper that was used to place under the water container. After experimenting with painting with marble I wanted to further explore the object by creating sound out of the marble. I placed marbles on a plastic plate and move it around, the sound changed depending on how many marbles I used.

Process of the marbles in box painting technique.

Paintings from the marble box technique.

Marbles in water.

Images from the video.

Using the marbles from the video to do the marble box technique.

Middle picture is the paper I used as a mat for the video, around the image are paintings I made by using the marbling technique from the painted water used in the same video.