My word is “Atmosphere”. The atmosphere is an essential part of keeping most of the species on earth alive, protecting us from the dangerous universe radiations. So, here is a strong connection between our mother planet and our universe.

A wide acknowledged theory of the origin of the universe is BIG BANG. Says the universe is originated by an enormous explosion from a tiny spot to become the universe we know in a flash moment. Then I can not stop being couriers about it: Can I have a similar result if I make a BIG BANG happens on the tiny green square generated from the Random Generator.?  Thus, I started my first experiment in order to try to make the BIG BANG happens on the tiny green square. To figure it out if I can reoccur the process of originating the universe and comes up with some similar results, to make another planet or something.


To accomplish this, I have to go with the help of algorithms because I am not able to make a physical explosion on digital content.  The best way to explod a tiny digital image is by using the searching engine. Because DATA is equal to oxygen in the digital world empowering explosion to let the mechanical reactions happening.

( drop the tiny green image into the google image searching function, it will come out with the result of “similar images”, the is how the explosion happens.)



I totally make 4 BIG BANG happens. Each time I run the explosion process, I screenshot the whole screen of results to make another explosion. After I run the fourth explosion, the fifth and the sixth explosion become steadying and come out with a similar result, so that I conclude the 4th explosion is the final explosion of this experiment. The BIG BANG is very successful. Now you see the new universe is being formed, a little tiny single green square now explodes out a marvelous colorful various multiple spaces involving countless squares. Welcome, a new universe.



After the universe originated, the next step is checking what do we got here, if there are enough materials for forming another planet, or we could say another earth. The founding is satisfied, we get 3 materials kit containing the essentials of our earth. Separately are 1. Periodic table, 2.national flags, 3. An image containing various types of items and life forms. ( Click the image below to zoom it out )


In the very first stage of our earth forming, it had experienced a long period of chaos. That could be understood as “mixing up the materials”. So, what we do next is maxing up all the material we got above to form a baby planet. To do this, we have to ask for help from Adobe Photoshop. (At right is the process of mixing up the materials, at the left, is the result. )



It doesn’t look like earth, right? That is because the earth is finalized in the solar system with the help of universe power. So, the last step is placing our new planet into our solar system and waiting. Maybe many many years later, there will come up with a new planet like earth and became human’s new home.