My concept of ‘3s’ / ‘Three-es’

In my last experiment, I wanted to look for ‘three-es’ and understand how they existed and what what the scenario be if they didn’t exist.

My neighbour’s house number is 93, I was thinking of how number 3 exists in the address and at the same time how 3×3=9. If the number 3 didn’t exist then this house wouldn’t exist.


This situation was actually pretty funny for me to analyse. Three people sitting in three seats, with three feet visible from where I was sitting. I was also thinking of shapes and how their legs and bodies are forming triangles, which is a 3 line shape, that has three points as well.



There are 3 elements in the signage – safety, handicap, and courtesy, which are also 3 words that describe this signage.
Three words make up ‘On Tap Here’ – even if you remove one of these words then the meaning of the three words will change.