A quick Google search brought up three types of definition for Well, based on my earlier thoughts of ink wells I have chosen to work with the definition below for Experiment Two.



For experiment two I will create wells of colour which flow in a way that is both controlled and serendipitous.

During the first day of the class I noticed that there was a materials exchange, I was able to use this space to find objects to start my process. At the end of the experiments I will return the vessels to the exchange so that someone else may unknowingly discover my wells.

From our class discussions while presenting the experiment one, I was inspired by Paul’s suggestion of making paper from Darina’s depths artwork. I immediately came home and shredded my wells of colour painting into tiny pieces and put them in the blender.

I don’t have a mold and deckle, so I made do with a frying pan cover!

Reflecting on well as a location, and welling as a rising of feeling or emotion, I discovered that for me, colour is a medium for both.