When I searched “bench story” on Google, I found a piece of news on NewYork Times, there are 4,223 donated benches with stories in Central Park in NY, which made me curious about if Sydney has such donated benches with stories to tell.

Then I found there are many donated benches in the Royal Botanic Garden. So I went to the Botanic Garden and took pictures of those benches. I found lots of interesting words and stories from those donators.

I selected 3 representative aspects of those stories, love, friendship, personality, then drawing those stories with my own imagination.



“Back to Bogan Gate Reunion 1998

Ex-residents of Bogan Gate and Districts have met annually on this lawn, on the first Sunday in February, since 1953.”




“Sonjie & Franco 

A Love Story”



“For Sophie & Manfred Lobl

Whose love of life, music, art, food & wine, 

Touched and enriched the lives of all who knew them.

Dec.1997, Feb 2005”