The word came out from the random generator is [Moonlight].


I started to brainstorm about the word Moonlight.

Dictionary describes moonlight as a noun, which means the light of the moon. In an informal way, moonlight can be a verb meaning have a second job, typically secretly and at night, in addition to one’s regular employment.

The moonlight that people see is actually the sunlight on the surface of the moon. The velocity of light is 299792458 m/s. And it takes moonlight 1.28 seconds to get to earth.




Moonlight is unobservable. It is soft but powerful. We see moonlight when the sky is dark. It can’t give off light, but it can reflect sunlight. So one can see the moonlight from the earth.

There are many things in the world relevant to moonlight, whose light needs to be discovered carefully. As long as there is light on them, they can shine.

In my first experiment, I would like to discover the visibility of moonlight and make something that can express moonlights.




I dyed a piece of wood black as a base, glued irregular gold lines on it, and added shining ornaments.

They have the character of moonlight. In a dark environment, a little bit of light can make them look shiny.


