COMP1400 – Programming for Designers

Class announcements for Programming for Designers

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Assignment 2: Missile Command

Posted by on August 22nd, 2010 · Assignments

You’re task for assignment 2 is to create a game similar to the old Atari game Missile Command. You don’t have to completely reproduce that game, but you should the following elements:

  1. Multiple ‘enemy’ objects falling from the sky
  2. A launcher base at the bottom of the screen.
  3. When the user clicks on an enemy, a missile is launched from the base to hit the enemy.
  4. When the missile hits the enemy, it explodes.


Your program should include:

  1. Prefabs for the enemies and the missiles.
  2. In-code instantiation and destruction of enemies and missiles.
  3. Mouse handlers for clicking on enemies.
  4. Collision handlers for checking missile/enemy collisions


Note: You will be working in pairs for this assignment. Choose you partner ASAP. Instructions for registering your pair will follow.


There are three components you will need to submit:

  1. A storyboard of your design, showing how objects move. Make sure you cover all the possible use-cases and how the game responds. This is due in your Tut 7.
  2. The Javascript files for all your scripts.
  3. A web version of your game.


Your marks will be based on your design and your code, not on the scene itself. So don’t overdo the time much time you spend making it pretty. Marks will be assigned as follows:

  • Storyboard: 25%
  • Code style: 25%
  • Correctness: 50%
    • Falling enemies: 20%
    • Launching missiles with mouse: 15%
    • Handling collisions: 15%

This assignment is worth 10% of your final mark.


The assignment is due at the end of week 8 (Sunday Sep 19).

Submission instructions will follow.

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