COMP1400 – Programming for Designers

Class announcements for Programming for Designers

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Lab Wk 2- Getting to know BlueJ

Posted by on July 17th, 2012 · Lab

There are three tasks for this week’s lab:

  1. Activate your CSE account.
  2. Write your first program!
  3. Play with BlueJ



Posted by on July 17th, 2012 · Lab

As we said in the first lecture, you can’t learn programming without practice and the lab exercises are a vital part of this subject. COMP1400 labs will take place in the CSE labs as listed in the official timetable. Please make sure you are enrolled in a lab and you know which lab you are attending. Take a look at the map to locate your lab. Some are in the Elec Eng building and some are in the Mech Eng building.

Each of you will receive a new CSE account for this subject, which you will need to use to submit your assignments. To activate your account, please read and agree to the “Yellow Form“.

The first set of lab exercises will be out later today.

Welcome to COMP1400 2012

Posted by on July 17th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Welcome to all new COMP1400 students for 2012.

As we said in lectures, this blog will be our primary means of communicating important subject announcements including lab execises and assignments. Please check it regularly for updates.

Ass 3 solution

Posted by on October 31st, 2011 · Assignments

I have posted my solution to assignment 3 for you to download.


Posted by on October 30th, 2011 · Uncategorized

The COMP1400 exam is this Thursday (Nov 3) at 8:45am in Leighton Hall of Scientia (but make sure you confirm this on myUNSW).

It is a 2 hour exam. It will consist of:

  • 20 multiple choice questions testing your understanding of various aspects of Java
  • 5 short-answer question on general programming concepts
  • 2 questions which involve reading a long piece of code and answering questions about what it does.

The exam booklet will include print-outs of relevant parts of the Java API website so you do not have to memorise this information.

There are no questions on writing code (they were in the prac-exam).

Good luck.


Posted by on October 16th, 2011 · Uncategorized

To save people constantly looking up how to do loops in the lecture notes, here’s a simple example that prints the numbers 0 to 4 inclusive.

As a for loop:

for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {




As a while loop:

int i=0;

while(i<5) {




Ass 3 Unit Testing

Posted by on October 11th, 2011 · Assignments

It turns out that testing the play() method on your classes is tricker than I had anticipated when I set assignment 3. To test this method properly, you need to set up a game in a known situation, forcing one of the players to play the card you are testing and then check that it does what you expect.

Prac Exam FAQs

Posted by on October 11th, 2011 · Uncategorized

FAQs about the Prac Exam:

Can I bring my laptop?

No. You must use the lab computers.

Can I bring my own files on a USB stick?


Will I have access to the web?

Yes, but we will be monitoring your web access to make sure you are not communicating with other students.

Assignment solutions: ass1 & ass2

Posted by on October 11th, 2011 · Assignments

My solutions to assignment 1 and assignment 2 are now available for you to download.

Sample Prac Exam

Posted by on October 10th, 2011 · Lab

The Prac Exam for COMP1400 will take place in labs in Week 13.

  • Please make sure you turn up to your designated lab time. You will not be allowed to sit the exam at another time.
  • The exam will be open book, so you will have access to the web and any texts you care to bring. We will be monitoring you, however, to make sure you do not communicate with others during the exam.
  • This exam is worth 40% of your final mark.

The questions below are a sample of the kinds of questions you will receive in the test.
