Business Programming

Course announcements for INFS1609 and INFS2609

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Tutorial – Week 7

August 29th, 2011 · Comments Off on Tutorial – Week 7 · Labs

This week’s tutorial is taken from the textbook, exercises 5.25 – 30 on page 149. They are reproduced below. The task is to implement a simple phone book where numbers are associated with names, both represented as strings. Your phone book should be able to add a new name/number pair and you should be able […]



Assignment 2

August 24th, 2011 · Comments Off on Assignment 2 · Assignments

Change Log 2011-09-02 Added submission instructions Task This assignment extends assignment 1. Now that you have defined classes for accounts and transactions, the next step is to use collections to make a simple journal and ledger. A journal will be implemented as an ArrayList of transactions. A ledger will be implemented as a HashMap containing […]



Tutorial – Week 6

August 21st, 2011 · Comments Off on Tutorial – Week 6 · Labs

Catch-up Week This week, we will finish off the exercises left over from last week and any other work left-over from previous tutorials.



Tutorial – Week 5

August 14th, 2011 · Comments Off on Tutorial – Week 5 · Labs

Your task this week is to implement a program to represent decks and hands of playing cards. Download the file and uncompress it. It contains an incomplete BlueJ project called cards. Open the project and inspect the classes: Card – this represents a single playing card. Deck – this represents a deck of cards. The […]



Consultation Times

August 6th, 2011 · Comments Off on Consultation Times · Announcements

Claude’s consultation time is 2-3pm Tuesdays in K17-403. Note: This time may change when he takes over the lectures.



Tutorial – Week 4

August 6th, 2011 · Comments Off on Tutorial – Week 4 · Labs

Task 1: Universities Suppose we were writing a program to administer a university. Discuss: What are the different levels of abstraction we might use to represent the university? Choose an object at the mid-level of your hierarchy. What kind of public interface might it provide? What private implementation details might it hide? Task 2: Return […]



Assignment 1 – FINAL

July 31st, 2011 · No Comments · Assignments

NOTE: check this web site regularly for updates and clarifications to the assignment specification. Due Date: Friday week 5 (23:59:59 19 August 2011) Change Log 2011-08-04 Clarified output of report for the sample program 2011-08-03 Final version, including new report method 2011-08-02 Bugfix: Corrected captalised Fred to fred Task Suppose you are designing a program […]



Tutorial Week 3 – Designing Classes

July 28th, 2011 · Comments Off on Tutorial Week 3 – Designing Classes · Labs

Understand Assignment 1 Follow the assignment 1 instructions to download the skeleton project. Make sure you understand what is required. If not ask your tutor. Investigating the TicketMachine: Download the TicketMachine project we have been building in lectures. Unzip it on your desktop and open the project with BlueJ. Create an instance of the TicketMachine class. […]



Tutorial Week 2 – Getting to know BlueJ

July 21st, 2011 · No Comments · Labs

Experiment with the BlueJ projects we saw in lectures. Login with your zPass login and password. Download the ‘shapes’ project zip file from here . Download the ‘picture’ project zip file from here . Unzip both files in your “My Documents” folder. In the ‘Start’ menu, select ‘Programs’ and click on BlueJ. Select ‘Open Project’ from the […]



Lecture slides and videos (week 1)

July 20th, 2011 · No Comments · Announcements

Links to the lectures slides and videos will appear in the “lectures” page, which you can find in the panel on the right. The first lecture has been added. Check this page regularly to see updates.

