Meet Shukla Poddar 

Curiosity ignites. Passion fuels. STEMM empowers

My journey in engineering began with my grandfather’s captivating stories of his work with the Indian railways, sparking a deep fascination within me. Pursuing a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering seemed like the natural progression, yet as I delved deeper, I felt a growing concern for our environment. This led me to pivot towards a Master’s in Climate Science and Technology, where I immersed myself in understanding climate change complexities. Determined to focus on solutions to reduce the impact, I embarked on a PhD in renewable system engineering, focusing on weather-induced variability’s impact on Australia’s renewable energy systems. Despite challenges—starting a PhD amidst a pandemic in a new country—I persevered with the unwavering support of my mentors who guided me, showcasing the diverse career paths within STEMM. The journey may be complex, but the rewards are immeasurable when you realize you are contributing towards a sustainable future. 

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