Meet Kate Jackson  

The future is yours to write, so why not be creative?

I was one of those kids that thought they knew what they wanted to do; however, life has a funny way of steering us onto unplanned paths. I always wanted to be an astrophysicist, researching the wonders of the cosmos after having been mesmerized by the night sky as a child. During my PhD, I had a realization: I loved teaching astronomy and physics and sharing my wonder with others. Armed with my newfound passion, I could have felt stuck; a path to a career in teaching when I’d been trained as a researcher was not straightforward, but it was also not impossible. I made a plan to upskill where I could and gain more valuable teaching experiences. My efforts were rewarded with a position as an Education Focused Lecturer at UNSW. I am a firm believer that while it is so easy to follow what is “tried and true”, you must follow what you enjoy and forge a new path, even if you can’t easily see one ahead! 

Meet Our Engineering Powerhouse: Zahra Rahimpour 

Every sunrise brings an opportunity to follow your dreams

When I began my journey into power electrical engineering, society’s perceptions were that women were not suited to such roles, and there was prevalent male dominance at the time. Although I was discouraged at first, my unwavering passion for the field of electrical engineering pushed me to persevere and pursue my aspirations without hesitation. My journey began with my undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, followed by a few years of professional engineering experience overseas and in Australia and, currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow in electrical engineering at the University of New South Wales. Through this journey, I’ve learned that obstacles are inevitable, but maintaining motivation and listening to your inner voice are paramount in navigating and overcoming them. 

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