Future Champion Afra Kamal: By 2030 I’d love to be…

By Afra Kamal

… at the forefront of climate action as an environmental scientist working with non-governmental organisations around the world.

The rate at which climate change is occurring is alarming, and the reality of the situation is that not nearly enough is being done to rectify the situation. With the equivalent of 27 football fields of forests being lost every minute and greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at its highest level in 2 million years, the future seems bleak for the next generation.

We can perhaps ask ourselves what led us to this emergency, in order to fully understand what can be done to solve this issue. Many will point to the collective action of individuals in being complacent with their everyday choices and not looking into the impact of their lifestyles. The effect of personal choices cannot be disregarded, like the enormous land and water use of agriculture as well as its greenhouse gas emissions, but it can be said with confidence that the majority of fault can be placed on major companies in sectors such as the fossil fuel and mining industries. These corporations have long known of their significant impact on the environment, such as in leaked documents from the 1980s from Shell and Exxon that predicted the damage that would be caused to the natural environment in the years to come as a result of their products.

Decades of non-action and denial have created a crisis that will deeply and inexorably affect the lives of people to come. In fact, we are already seeing the devastating consequences of climate change on many people across the world, none more pressing at this moment than the plight of Indigenous peoples living in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. As of writing this post, over 2000 fires are currentlyburning in the Amazon Rainforest, threatening more than 400 Indigenous tribes that live in the forest. Striking parallels have been made by many between the situation in the Amazon Rainforest and the fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris earlier this year, and the disturbing difference in media coverage. A study by the nonprofit media watchdog Media Matters for America found that the Notre Dame fire garnered 93% more coverage by the media than the Amazon Rainforest fires, despite having been burning for the past three weeks.

We live such privileged lives in Australia to be able to take for granted the natural environment, when so many other nations and people must pay the price of climate change. The reality is, as an island nation, Australia is not far from also being seriously faced with the effects of climate change. In order to stay less than the 2 degrees Celcius target of warming by 2100 set by the United Nations, global carbon emissions must reach zero by 2030. Beyond this point, the environment would be subject to near-irreversible damage and have deadly impact on the human race, including but not limited to extreme weather events and natural disasters, as well as deadly heat waves and exponentially rising sea levels.

At 26, in the year 2030, I would want to be able to contribute to reaching the UN’s target and be part of the solution to this immense global issue. This task is enormous, given the fact that global emissions continue to increase annually and that we are already at 1 degree Celcius of warming in 2019, but it is with science and activism that we as a generation will be able to solve one of humanity’s greatest challenges. Extraordinary individuals such as Greta Thunberg from Sweden, just ten months older than myself, have already created immense awareness of the issue of climate change amongst youth across the world, and have demanded the attention of governments to implement real legislative action for this crisis.

As an environmental scientist, I will use both my knowledge and understanding of the natural environment and how climate change affects it as well as my passion for nature to change how society views this issue and make a global impact with my research. Alongside my colleagues from various STEM disciplines, I will work with non-government organisations in Australia and overseas to create innovative and sustainable solutions and bring them to areas that are either most affected by climate change, or contribute to it most.

Ultimately, it will be the task of my generation to essentially reverse the damage that has been done to the environment before it is too late. However, it is my firm belief that with more and more people joining the STEM field and activism groups for climate change, we will be able to save our planet. I end with this Cree saying from the Indigenous people of Canada:

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will we realise we cannot eat money.”

We must protect our breaches, our atmosphere, our creeks, our forests and our oceans.

All photos by Afra Kamal

Future Champion Maria Tuyor: By 2030 I’d like to be…

By Maria Tuyor

I have a vision…

Well… More so I envision myself that I, Maria Tuyor, will be able to drive society into a future where cancer and illnesses are no longer an issue. Where climate change will become a historical fact and where our world is not in a state of calamity.

This is my vision and I cherish it because this is what I am striving for.

Ever since I was a young child, I was fascinated with living things working together in the process called “The Circle of Life.” My interest expanded over the coming years where it lead to what I want to become in the near future.

As my knowledge expanded of the “real world”, I came to realise that I had a passion for Maths and Science. Taking this as an advantage, I delved further into finding more information about STEM careers through also receiving guidance from my supportive parents. Where does this end up resulting to a career I want?

That is for the later parts of this blog as I want to take you into a journey of how I see myself within STEM disciplines.

*Heads up! Popcorn is recommended!*

I still remember receiving the news that my family and I were heading to SEA WORLD. Those news filled my heart with immense joy as I was excited to see my favourite animals. Being a curious girl I always was, I researched multiple facts about animals and ended up in a direction where I fell in love with dolphins. Dolphins are quite intriguing with the way they interact with the environment and humans. They are in fact on of the most intelligent marine animals to ever exist and that fascinated me even more. Then one day.

One particular day.

I was sitting in my school’s library and started to discover headlines in regards to marine animals.

Headlines that sparked great fear within me.

  • Illegal exploitation of marine animals
  • Animals dying on the coastlines
  • Lack of fish forcing marine animals to starve

Through these headlines, I found one common thread. Climate Change.

Climate Change was a word that had interweaved into society for quite some time. However, it was not till recent times people began to be captured by its process. A process that caused the world to suffocate from humanity’s sins.

From this, I can conjure an image of myself in the future and this is what it is:

  • Helping in extensive research to find cures or preventions for diseases and illnesses such as cancer
  • Going into developing countries to provide alternative healthcare and vaccination programs
  • Working tirelessly hard to be able to have the privilege to wear a profoundly meaningful white coat that has a purpose both in laboratories and in hospitals

But there is also another image I can see myself in. It is an image of me finding both preventions and cures to the consequences of climate change on health. It is horrifyingly enough to know that the cause of rising sea levels and unpredictable weather has promoted a production of bugs such as mosquitos which can cause Malaria and Dengue. The decline of air quality can also cause respiratory issues and global warming itself awakens deadly diseases that once were hidden within ice.

Through this and the careers I aspire to become, I want to solve the issues of how climate change affects the health of individuals. I want to provide assistance for people in developing countries to have the same access to vaccines and health care as we do in Australia. I want to be a leading researcher working with people who are determined and wants to keep persevering to discover scientific ideas for the greater good. I want to help people who are suffering from cancer to know there is still hope in the world. I want to be someone who looks back into the past, who looks back at the journey that they have gone through which from this will make them proud of what has made them who they are.

By 2030, I’d love to be a Virologist or a Medical Oncologist. But most importantly, I would love to be a person who will always make my parents proud to show in return their generosity of patience, kindness, love and appreciation they have given me. No matter what I decide to become, I should always remember to find intricate ways to help society progress into a better future.