Standing Tall in Her Field

By Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith

Dr Poppy Watson did not always want to be researcher. After a lack-lustre introduction to the world of Psychology at University, she spent the first part of her working life dabbling in sound editing and travelling. Almost a decade later, she gave Psychology another chance and fell head first into the world of research where she now tries to understand how human behaviour changes in response to reward. A mother, beach lover and now UNSW Women in Maths and Science Champion, Poppy believes solutions to major world problems will come from scientists, engineers and mathematicians, and is excited to encourage young girls to pursue a career in STEM.

So, what type of ‘scientist’ are you?
I work in the school of Psychology at UNSW as a postdoctoral research associate, so essentially I am a psychology researcher.

What does your current research focus on?
My research examines how learning about reward shapes attention and behaviour. Cues that signal reward are everywhere in our environment. Think about the McDonald’s golden M – over time this symbol has transformed from just another letter to something that is associated with a reward (like tasty burgers!). We are interested in how reward is processed by the brain by different people in different situations because this might explain why some people are more susceptible to addiction-like behaviours such as binge eating and others are not.

Most people think psychology is about lying down in a chair and telling someone your problems. But how do you actually do your psychology research?
We use a lot of technology to track people’s physical reactions and brain patterns. For example, in some of our current experiments, we tell participants that if they can find a specific shape on a computer screen (i.e. a diamond) whilst not looking at reward cues that also appear on the screen, we will give them a financial reward. We then use an eye tracker to see what they actually look at. Although the task sounds easy, our research shows that people find it very difficult to not look at cues that signal reward, even when they are entirely irrelevant for the task at hand. They capture our attention involuntarily because of their association with rewards (such as tasty junk food). We then repeat these experiments but look how different situations like stress or intoxication might reduce our ability to ignore signals of reward. For example, we have the participants undergo a brief but stressful manipulation (i.e. sing a song to the experimenter) or give the participants an acute dose of alcohol before performing the visual search (diamond) task. I’m also studying neural oscillations using electroencephalography (EEG) to examine the extent to which signals of attentional suppression can be seen in the brain during this task.

A participant completing the visual search task whilst neural data is recorded with an EEG cap.

How did you become a researcher in Psychology? Did you always want to work in science?
I was actually quite disillusioned with Psychology after my undergraduate year and decided not to stay for honours research. I had studied elective courses in sound engineering and sound effects editing during my degree and really loved it so I decided to pursue a career in that instead. I ended up working and travelling through Europe during my 20s – I had some sound editing jobs and also worked in administrative roles at government departments and big pharmaceutical companies.

After eight years I decided to go back to university to upskill myself. I started with a two-year research Masters degree in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and this led to a PhD at the University of Amsterdam. I absolutely loved being back in the academic environment and still do to this day – doing research is the best job I have ever had. I love the whole cycle – reading literature, designing experiments to test hypotheses, programming experimental tasks, testing participants, analysing the data and then writing it up for publication. The frequent international travel to attend conferences is also a great bonus!

Poppy loves the whole cycle of research including reasons to keep alcohol in her office!

Mythbusting time! What are some of the worst stereotypes about Psychology?
People always think that that psychologists are all clinically trained and at parties people often joke that I must be trying to analyse them and “read their mind”. Nothing could be further from the truth!  Although I have a PhD in Psychology I have absolutely no clinical training (that is a different career path altogether). Academic psychologists who do research generally know as much as anyone else in the general population about how to read personalities at a party or how to support someone who has mental health issues.

When you are not researching, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I live near the beach so spend a lot of my spare time in the water. Having two small children means that I don’t go out as much as I would like but I do keep my eye on good music gigs happening in Sydney and try to get out regularly to good restaurants.

Why did you join the UNSW Women in Maths and Science Champions Program?
The program is a great opportunity to change the stereotype of what scientists look like and inspire young women to pursue STEM subjects. Students (of any gender) who are good at maths and science should be so excited about their future – so many of the world’s problems are going to be solved by engineers, scientists and technology experts working together. I hate to think that young girls are not encouraged to pursue these fulfilling and amazing careers. The program has also provided a chance for myself to be inspired by female champions who are at later stages in their careers.

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Combating Dry Eye and Teaching Jui Jitsu

By Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith

Meet Dr Emma Gibson – optometrist, researcher, science communicator and Jiu Jitsu instructor

Originally hailing from Wales, Emma wanted a new challenge away from her daily life as an optometrist and so travelled halfway across the world to embark on a PhD elucidating the role of female hormones in dry eye disease. Beyond being able to better help her female patients through her PhD research, Emma has spent the last few years helping other female PhD students as the women officer on the UNSW Post Graduate Council and even teaching women self-defence classes. She is now a UNSW Women Science Champion and excited to communicate science and provide honest insight and support to those embarking on their own PhD journeys.

1. Tell me a little about yourself. How did you end up at studying a PhD at UNSW?

I’m an Optometrist from Wales. I was very happy with my job but wanted a new challenge. Through a colleague in the UK I was introduced to my supervisors at UNSW. I initially committed to a Master’s programme, due to the transition from Wales to Sydney. After a few months, I was enjoying researching and living in Australia so much that I transferred my project to a PhD. 

2. Your PhD research looked at the effect of oestrogen on dry eye disease. What made you chose this area of research?

I always had a keen interest in the front of the eye, spending a lot of time looking at it whilst I was practicing as an optometrist in Wales. I have also suffered from dry eye for many years so I had an inherent in this area*. So many of my patients reported symptoms of dry eye so I wanted to invest my time in something that was relevant to my patients when I returned to clinic after completing my PhD. When this project was discussed as an option it just clicked into place with what I was passionate about.

* dry eye is where there is an inadequate film of tears over the eye to provide lubrication; this is important for comfort, health and clear vision

“I wanted to invest my time in something that was relevant to my patients” – Dr Emma Gibson on her decision to investigate dry eye disease

3. And has your PhD helped you with your patients?

Yes! When I now see my female patients, I am able to educate them on what dry eye disease is and the increased risk associated with menopause. I am able to spend the time to discuss what they can do to alleviate it and avoid the symptoms, as well as who to see if problems persist. It is great being able to answer their questions and reassure them that many of the symptoms they experience with their eyes, such as the need for reading glasses is a normal part of aging, or as I like to call it, “refining”.

4. Besides helping educate women about dry eye disease, your PhD gave you other opportunities to help women. Can you tell me about them?

I became involved in the Post Graduate Council at UNSW in 2016 and held positions of International Officer, Vice-President and in 2018 I was Women’s Officer. During these roles I was invited to participate in discussions with university boards including Equity and Diversity. These gave me opportunities to work with inspirational women leaders within the university and to advocate for women across the university. I ran a women’s self-defence course at the university, with my Jiu-jitsu instructor. The women learnt valuable skills and felt empowered. Empowering women is something I feel very strongly about and something I make a focus within the weekly jiu-jitsu classes I teach at the Woolloomooloo PCYC. They are a safe, friendly place to learn life skills and meet a wonderful group of women.

5. Now that you have finished your PhD, what advice would you give others doing or considering a PhD?

  • Don’t be so hard on yourself, you are only human so set yourself realistic goals.
  • Take time for yourself to exercise/ meditate/ see family and friends/ enjoy life.
  • Imposter syndrome is real and happens to all of us, you will spend a lot of time not knowing what you’re doing, this is a normal part of the process.
  • It’s ok to not be ok. Talk to people about how you’re feeling. Don’t isolate yourself. Depression is so common in PhD students, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

6. Why did you join the UNSW Women Science Champions program?

I had been the women’s officer for the Post Graduate Council whilst doing my PhD and wanted to stay involved in the university and help women in science. I thought this was a great program for engagement in the community and it has been an amazing experience to meet the other champions and develop my skills at communicating science to the public.

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