Disentangling decision making: Meet Tehilla

by Charuni Pathmeswaran

Tehilla grew up in Israel, moved to Switzerland at 21 to attend university. After completing her bachelor’s in psychology and her master’s in economics and decision making in Switzerland, she moved to Australia with her two kids to pursue a PhD in cognitive psychology. Her research looks into how risk-taking is related to other choice behaviour such as the appetite for information.    

What drew you to this particular field? 

I was really interested in trying to be able to break down decision-making problems into their basic structure, thereby extrapolating this understanding to further decision-making situations. I also wanted to gain skills such as critical thinking. My research has given me new perspectives on decision-making and on critical thinking which are beneficial to my everyday life.  

What excites you most about your field? 

It’s a combination of well-defined experimental design (which teaches me to really think through every part of the research question) and the methodology applied in the field of cognitive psychology. This is expressed, for instance, in the way data analysis is applied. Our analysis goes beyond existing statistical tests and aims to explain and predict the cognitive processes involved in the examined decision-making situation. The fact that I’m involved in this type of data analysis excites me. I never thought I’d be able to perform such analyses.  

What do you find most challenging about the work you do and how do you tackle it? 

The cognitive modelling part is quite challenging. It requires not just good coding skills but also a profound understanding on cognitive models, what and how they work. To overcome this challenge, I usually spot a knowledgeable person (currently my supervisors) and learn as much as I can from them. It’s a mix of an initial overoptimism when a challenge is presented to me and my determination to overcome it that helps me tackle most of my challenges.  

What are your interests outside of science? 

I read whenever I can. I’m currently reading ‘The Beginning of Infinity’ by David Deutsch, which is about the philosophy of science. We started a reading group in our lab to read the book and discuss it. Apart from reading, I enjoy travelling. I also work out daily, which improves my mental and physical well-being.  

What are you most proud of in your career so far? 

The fact that I graduated my master’s degree cum laude in a language that was not my native tongue. Achieving this in an environment that is completely unfamiliar to me linguistically and culturally is something I’m proud of.  

Words of advice for young women interested in pursuing a career in STEM? 

My best advice is to encourage curiosity. We all have it. Rote learning destroys curiosity. The core of science is asking questions simply because we are curious to know the answer to them. What I can offer specifically for young girls is: follow your curiosity and the subjects that spark the light in you. Aim to decide on your career path independently of what is understood under traditional female occupations.  

What would you like to see change in the future for women in STEM? 

When tackling a problem, some people see existing problems less as a problem and more as a challenging and fun game. I would like to see the playfulness in problem-solving being incorporated in the STEM subjects. I think that this will encourage girls (and boys) to choose these subjects more often. 

Science, sustainability & salsa-dancing: meet Negin Sarmadi

By Allegra Angeloni

Negin Sarmadi is a PhD student at the UNSW Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology (SMaRT@UNSW) specialising in waste management and recovery. Negin is one of the talented Women in Maths and Science Champions and is currently working on innovative environmental solutions to the world’s biggest waste challenges.

Negin completed her undergraduate and Masters degrees in mining engineering at the University of Tehran in her home country Iran. It was here she discovered just how essential waste management is to countless industries. She moved to Australia to commence her PhD at UNSW where she works on Green Steel, a green manufacturing project developed at SMaRT@UNSW. Her project focuses on utilising carbon and hydrogen from waste rubber tires, plastic and coffee grounds as an alternative to coke and coal in steel production.  

Sustainability is certainly topical, as more individuals and industries make a conscious effort to incorporate eco-friendly practices into everyday life. When I asked Negin to explain what exactly draws her to this research, she responded: “We lose a million tonnes of valuable material every year as a result of the weaknesses at mineral processing technologies at mines, so working on mine’s waste recycling and recovery section opened my eyes to the bigger world of waste deposits which was everywhere. If we continue as we have in the past few decades to produce waste with no outlook of recycling, we will face a severe problem in the near future.  

“This is only one side of waste management’s coin; the other side is money. This is one of the most profitable fields that only needs attention and nobility. If you do not care about the earth and the environment, at least you can care about making money. To be honest, both sides are essential to me.” 

Outside her work in waste management, Negin loves to cook. In fact, she is well-known for the delicious homemade cakes she bakes. She describes cooking dinner after a long day at uni as “meditation” and “me-time”. She also enjoys salsa-dancing, which helps her de-stress following a jam-packed day at work. 

I ended the interview asking Negin if she could share some inspiring words of advice for young women interested in pursuing a career in STEM. Her response did not disappoint: “Self-confidence is attractive as hell, and it comes from independence, knowledge, and hard work. No matter what your field is, the only important thing is choosing your area of interest and putting the courage to pursue your goals. Be focused, be determined, and be empowered; there is no limit to what we, as scientist women, can accomplish.”