About Us

The UNSW STEMM Champions Program is a transformative 12-month cross-faculty initiative designed to support women, non-binary, and gender-diverse higher degree and early career researchers in becoming leading STEMM professionals. Offered by UNSW Science in collaboration with UNSW Engineering and UNSW Medicine & Health, the program integrates development workshops, providing participants with the knowledge and confidence to maximise the impact of their engagement, research, and work.

We are committed to creating an inclusive environment that nurtures the growth of underrepresented individuals in STEMM.

Our Mission

Support Our Mission

The STEMM Champions Program relies on generous contributions from donors to continue making a significant impact. Your support helps us provide essential resources, mentorship, and opportunities to our participants. We invite you to join us in fostering an inclusive and innovative future for STEMM fields.

Contact Us

As we look to expand our reach and deepen our impact, your contributions will enable us to include more participants from diverse backgrounds, broaden our reach to wider groups, and enhance our mentoring and coaching framework.

For more detailed information about how you can support the STEMM Champions Program, or if you have any questions please contact:

Cheryl Mah

Email: cheryl.mah@unsw.edu.au


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General Enquiries

For all other enquiries, including information about our workshops, networking events, and other program details, please complete the form below.