Quantum computing: Beyond intelligence


Contemporary physics has radically changed our lives impacting on every aspect of our mediated world. The near future will deal with a revolution of data much larger than the digital revolution we are currently working within and we need to confront the casual effects of the politics of change that will be Quantum Computing. We invite you to a mediated informal discussion between Professor Gerard Milburn, theoretical physicist, Associate Professor Paul Thomas, Artist and Dr Joel Pearson, Cognitive Neuroscientist, UNSW Brain Sciences . The National Institute of Experimental Arts hosts the afternoon symposium as an ‘incubator’ of ideas relative to art and physics. The symposium will look at art and physics connections where they critically and reflectively engage with quantum information, quantum mechanics, uncertainty principle, metaphysics of causation, entanglement, probabilities and implications for creative research.


The talks will also address the topic of quantum consciousness and Professor Robert Clark, Chief Scientist in Residence, UNSW Art and Design, and former Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computer Technology, will moderate a chaired discussion between the speakers. The discussion will focus on how emerging discoveries are impacting on all disciplines, and the ways in which creativity and innovation are taking key roles in synthesizing connections. It is envisaged that the symposium will uncover synergies that exist within the UNSW Art and Design and the broader University research community — evidencing potential research initiatives in this increasingly significant area.



Gerard Milburn Audio MP3Power point presentation

Paul Thomas Audio MP3Power point presentation

Joel Perason Audio MP3 /

General Discussion Audio MP3