Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies

Special Issue – 20(1) February 2014
Call for Papers:
Cultural Expression in Augmented & Mixed Reality
Guest Editors: Maria Engberg and Jay Bolter

We seek contributions of papers concerned with applications and implications of augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and ubiquitous computing (UC). We are interested in papers that offer new insights into aesthetic, artistic, cultural and sociopolitical uses of these technologies.

Possible topics for paper proposal include (but are not restricted to):

AR/MR/UC in the context of art history and theory or media studies
critical theoretical perspectives on AR/MR/UC
social media and participatory culture
locative literary and artistic forms
cultural heritage and cultural institutions
tactical media and other political interventions in and with these technologies
The special issue is associated with the Nordic network The Culture of Ubiquitous Information.


Initial proposals should be extended abstracts in English, between 500-800 words. The abstract should include the following information:

Name of author(s), with email address(es) and affiliation(s), if applicable
Title of the paper
Body of the abstract
Bibliography (not included in word count)
The papers will be selected through a blind peer review process. Authors of selected papers will receive submission guidelines. Final papers should be 5000-8000 words in length.

Abstracts are due: 15 August 2012
Notification of selected papers: 1 August 2012
Complete papers are due: February 2013
Editors’ comments are sent out in: April 2013
Final papers are due: 1 June 2013
Publication: February 2014

Please forward your abstract as a PDF attachment in an email addressed to: