Transdisciplinary Arts Research at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture

Author Archives: pthomas

AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC artist in residence program

AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC: Knowledge Link through Art and Science (KLAS) A new artist in residence program is taking shape! High profile artists, with a strong interest in the intersections between arts and sciences, will be selected to interact with outstanding scientist of the…


The 11th European conference is dedicated to the theme of empathy, or EMPATHIES rather. It will take place in Basel (Switzerland) from 20-24 June 2017. Substhemes/streams are centered around: empathy & ethics – empathy & imagination – empathy & the nonhuman – collective…

CFP EVA London Conference 2017

​ ​ ​Submission of proposals (in abstract form) is now open (deadline 16 January 2017). Proposals Proposing for EVA London 2017 Proposals may be for a paper, a paper with demo, a demonstration, a workshop, or a panel discussion. Your proposal should come…

CFP: Balance-Unbalance 2017

Balance-Unbalance 2017 A Sense of Place: How can we appreciate a Sense of Place in the space between the local and the global? Do our GIS technologies enhance or supress the psychology of distance that distinguishes between them and us in times of…


OPEN CALL: RENEWABLE FUTURES CONFERENCE 2017 – ECONOMIA The second edition of art and science conference series in Europe and the Baltic Sea region January 20 – 22, 2017 Eindhoven, The Netherlands Venue: Baltan Laboratories / Natlab, former physics lab of Philips Renewable…

Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference Archive

Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference Archive 2016 Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference Archive 2014 Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference Archive 2012 Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference Archive 2010

Open Call for a Residency at ESA

European Digital Art and Science Network announces its next competition (Linz, April 20, 2016) Under the aegis of the European Digital Art and Science Network, Ars Electronica cordially invites artists to take part in a competition for a residency at the European Space…

CFP: Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction

The 9th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2016) Dallas, Texas, USA, 24-26 September 2016 ======================================== Visual communication through graphical or sign languages has long been conducted among human beings of different backgrounds or cultures, and in recent decades between…

CFP: Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, November 14 – 17, 2016 Deadline: May 31, 2016 The 3rd ISAT Conference: Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci Art and science, commonly seen as two different parallel disciplines, are gradually emerging into one world and possibilities.…

CFP: Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts University of Brighton, September 4th – 7th 2016

DRHA 2016 Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts University of Brighton, September 4th – 7th 2016. Place, Ecology and the Digital DRHA will gather in Brighton for the 20th anniversary of the network and conference. DRHA has become one of the foremost…