Transdisciplinary Arts Research at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture

Author Archives: pthomas


INTERNATIONAL SHARED RESIDENCY OF EYEBEAM (US) AND BALTAN LABORATORIES (NL) INTERNATIONAL SHARED RESIDENCY A COLLABORATION BETWEEN EYEBEAM (US) AND BALTAN LABORATORIES (NL) For artists, shared residencies offer a context that’s more than simply time and space to work. By residing at each partner…

Call for entries VIDA 14.0 Art and Artificial Life International Awards

VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards begun in 1999 by Fundación Telefónica, was created with the mission of supporting creative endeavours in this singular field by rewarding the pioneering efforts of artists. We are now pleased to announce the launch of the…

CFP: Tribute to Uncertainty

Call for Abstracts We invite you to respond to the Tribute to Uncertainty theme and/or to address one of the21 streams of interest led by 28 conference Attractors. Deadline: July 1, 2012 Submission page: Do you have something original to say about our world…

CFP: SCANZ 2013 3rd nature symposium

We are pleased to announce that the SCANZ 2013 3rd nature symposium (and exhibition documentation) will form the contents of a special edition of Leonardo Electronic Almanac. There is call information at: Call for abstracts Integrating indigenous perspectives with creative, environmental, scientific and…


MAGERY IN THE 21st CENTURY by Oliver Grau, Editor; with Thomas Veigl The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2011 424 pp. illus. 132 b/w. Trade, $40 ISBN-10: 0262015722. With contributions by Sean CUBITT, Martin SCHULZ, Eduardo KAC, Thomas VEIGL, Stefan HEIDENREICH, Olaf BREIDBACH, Dolores…

CFP: 2nd International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design

CALL FOR PAPERS evomusart 2013 2nd International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design 3-5 April 2013, Vienna, Austria Part of evo* 2013 evo*: ———————————————————- Following the success of previous events and the importance of the field of…

CFP: COLLIDING IDEAS: art, society and physics

COLLIDING IDEAS: art, society and physics Public symposium, Sunday 8 July 2012 at RMIT University Storey Hall, 10am to 5pm Call for presentations “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and…

ISEA2013 Round 2 EOI Update

Deadline: Friday, 27th April 2012 (midnight) ISEA2013 is pleased to announce that our second call for Expressions of Interest from artists and organisations wishing to develop, commission or present work in association with ISEA2013 is now open. Please see the Proposals Page for…

CFA: Artist Initiated Residencies

Applications close 1 May 2012 Artists working in interdisciplinary and hybrid arts are invited to develop proposals for professional development residencies in Australia or internationally.Proposals should outline how you will work in collaboration with the residency host to experiment and develop your arts…

Degrees of Freedom. Art Programs at Universities

Degrees of Freedom. Art Programs at Universities 16 – 18 November 2011 Universities are sites of research and of teaching. They are sometimes also home to artistic practice. The symposium “Degrees of Freedom. Art Programs at Universities” explored the roles and potentials of…