Transdisciplinary Arts Research at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture

Author Archives: pthomas

MIT Media Lab: positions

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Tenure-Track Faculty Positions within the MIT Media Laboratory The MIT Media Lab ( is seeking candidates to fill two tenure-track faculty positions. The Media Lab is an anti-disciplinary research organization focusing on the invention of new technologies that radically…

the 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

DEADLINE SUBMISSION: 24th November 2011 Dear colleague, We invite you to submit your abstracts and participate in the 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2012 that will be held in Valencia (SPAIN), on the 5th , 6th and 7th of March 2012.…


The BALANCE-UNBALANCE 2011 conference seeks to bring artists together with scientists, economists, philosophers, politicians, sociologists, engineers, management and policy experts with the intent of engendering a deeper awareness and creating lasting intellectual working partnerships focusing on solving our global environmental crisis. Using art…

CFP: Understanding Interdisciplinarity: Theory and Methods – An International Conference

Understanding Interdisciplinarity: Theory and Methods – An International Conference June 12th to the 14th 2012 Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK. Supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council funded interdisciplinary “Engineering For Life” (EFL) project at Sheffield Hallam University ( The EFL…

Edward Colless Transdisciplinary workshop paper

Edward Colless paper for the  Leonardo Education and Art Forum Transdisciplinary workshops paper. TRANSDISCIPLINARY AESTHETICS: AN OCCULTATION AND OCCULTISM 1. ON THE INTER… “Transdisciplinary aesthetics” sounds like a hard term to justify. What does else does it offer (other than novelty) that an…

Open call for artists to work with the Helsinki University Centre For Environmental Research

Art&HENVI – Open call for artists to work with the Helsinki University Centre For Environmental Research Deadline October 14th 2011 Art&HENVI is organized by the Finnish Society of Bioart in collaboration with the Helsinki University Centre For Environmental Research (HENVI) in the context of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. We are looking for three artists or artist groups who are interested and capable of working along one of three newly started research groups of HENVI over the period of one year: *Forests and Climate Change *Ecosystem services and sustainable urban development (ENSURE) *Multidisciplinary Baltic Sea- Research (MULTIDOM) The artists will work as part of the research groups and are encouraged to produce an artistic project as result of their investigation.

Column 7

Column 7: NEW IMAGING Transdisciplinary strategies for art beyond new media Su Baker, Melanie Oliver and Paul Thomas (editors) Darryn Ansted, Lucia Ayala and Jaime E. Forero-Romero, Justin Clemens and Adam Nash, Kathy Cleland, Edward Colless, Andrew Frost, Stephen Little, Leon Marvell, Ann…

MISH MASH – Issue 1 of the all-new Leonardo Electronic Almanac now

MISH MASH – Issue 1 of the all-new Leonardo Electronic Almanac now available as a free PDF After a major re-vamp of the magazine, we are proud to announce the release of our first issue, MISH MASH. With this re-launch we are…

MISH MASH – Issue 1 of the all-new Leonardo Electronic Almanac now

MISH MASH – Issue 1 of the all-new Leonardo Electronic Almanac now available as a free PDF After a major re-vamp of the magazine, we are proud to announce the release of our first issue, MISH MASH. With this re-launch we are…


CALL FOR PAPERS / ARTISTIC WORKS / TRANSDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITIES – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – BALANCE –…