The Sixth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the  Intersections between Art, Science and Culture


6 – 8 November 2020


Location: Artspace, 43 – 51 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo, Sydney

As announced on 1st June 2020, the Dark Eden conference aims to accommodate both virtual and in-person presentations, to be streamed online over three days: 6th to 8th November, 2020.

In anticipation of continuing Covid-19 restrictions, we ask that all presentations (except keynotes) be pre-recorded for streaming online. However, discussions following the presentations will be live. As with in-person panel sessions, the pre-recorded presentations will be grouped thematically. For the live Q&A and discussion time, authors will be online along with mediators and participants to exchange and answer questions in real-time. Each session will last up to 80 minutes (four 15-minute presentations followed by a 20 minute discussion).

Presentations must be pre-recorded and submitted by Friday 16th October 2020 via a filesharing service such as WeTransfer to

If circumstances permit, we will welcome in-person presentations at the conference venue, but these arrangements cannot be confirmed until late October. If you expect to be in Sydney during the conference and are interested in presenting in-person, please contact us via Pre-recorded presentations are requested as a contingency in case of lockdown restrictions.

Specifications for video*

Conference presentation videos may be up to 15 minutes long.

.MP4 format

Recommended dimensions : 1920 x 1080 (1080p) Landscape

Please name your file to include your accepted EasyChair submission number and your surname, such as: 123_NAME.mp4

There are many tools that can be used to record your video, such as:

Tips for a creative and effective scholarly paper presentation in video format*

● It helps to maintain the clear structure of your paper as much as possible with an introduction, methodology and/or argument, and evidence of the conclusions. Pre-structure you’re 15-minute video, by allotting a section to each part.

● We recommend inserting as many visual aids as possible to illustrate what is being explained. These can be photos, parts of other videos, graphics, or slides containing text. Note: online tutorials in the above links for Powerpoint, OBS and Zoom show how to make your face appear in a small window in your slide presentation.

● Do not forget to insert references and credits to ALL MEDIA that you use, ideally on the screen when they appear (as opposed to at the end of your video).

● If you insert slides with text as in any Powerpoint-style presentation, avoid dense paragraphs of text. Privilege short sentences with key ideas in clear, large font. Make sure you allow enough time to read the text.

● Avoid exploring the fancy effects and transitions between slides offered in your video editing software.

  • Although 15 minutes is not a long time, try to allow pauses in your speech.

Tips for the quality of the image and sound when recording yourself speaking*

  • Location: Pick a quiet room. Make sure your phone notifications are turned to silent during talks /

panels / Q&A, as beeping noises in the background are extremely distracting.

● Camera Placement: The camera should be at eye level, and your eyes should be about two thirds of the way to the top of the frame (i.e. put a box or stack books under your computer until it’s at that level). Stand about an arm’s length away from the computer. Avoid moving back and forth. Look at the camera as much as possible, not down at the screen. Although this may feel unnatural to you, it will feel natural to the audience.

● Lighting: You can use natural light coming through a window, or a lamp. The light source should be directly in front of you, not off to the side, overhead, or under your face. The main light source should not be behind you, as this will create a silhouette.

*Acknowledgement: guidelines adapted from ISEA2020

Conference Chair: Professor Paul Thomas, Art and Design, UNSW Sydney

Co-Chairs: Dr David Eastwood, Art and Design, UNSW Sydney

Dr Chelsea Lehmann, National Art School

Proceedings Chair: Dr Edward Colless, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne.