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Art Of Stealth – Playtest results

August 28th, 2010 · Comments Off on Art Of Stealth – Playtest results · Uncategorized

Over the last week I had 5 playtesters trying out my current version of the game. To pass the level there was a requirement that the player had to survive for a certain amout of time to pass the level they played. This time was converted into a score and a target score had to […]



Art Of Stealth

July 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Art Of Stealth · Uncategorized

So far my thesis topic has been a big learning curve for me. I had never really thought of trying my hand at game design, which is why I was slightly hesitant when I came to understand that the game engine I would be using for experimentation was somewhat “a work in progress”.  Throughout the uni break […]



Reasoning About Space (Update)

May 5th, 2010 · Comments Off on Reasoning About Space (Update) · Uncategorized

Upon doing further research and receiving feedback from my presentation, the direction and focus of my thesis has slightly shifted. I will still be proceeding with the development of an artificial agent that plays the pursuit evasion game, ArtOfStealth, convincingly and realistically, but I will also be looking at creating a modifiable agent framework which can be used to […]



Reasoning About Space

March 21st, 2010 · Comments Off on Reasoning About Space · Uncategorized

“This game cheats!” A cry I’ve heard and said many times before. In many games it appears that the NPCs (non-playing characters) know far too much; in fact, for many artificial intelligent agents this is true. For many games it is enough just to portray an apperance of intelligence, rather than the NPCs being somewhat […]

