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Games Showcase Tue Oct 19

October 12th, 2010 · Comments Off on Games Showcase Tue Oct 19 · Uncategorized

Time: 6-8pm, Tues Oct 19 Room: K17 Level 1 Seminar Room Every year the students in Game Design Workshop (COMP4431) are challenged to design and prototype innovative game ideas in under six weeks. This year the theme was “COLOUR AND EMOTION” which has inspired a number of wonderful arty games. They will be showcasing their […]



Sample Exam

October 10th, 2010 · Comments Off on Sample Exam · Uncategorized

As requested, I have made a sample exam available for you to download. This contains the same number and variety of questions as in the final exam, and should be of about the same difficulty. In the actual exam you will be provided with copies of the Unity Scripting Manual pages for all the important […]




October 10th, 2010 · Comments Off on Survey · Uncategorized

I have put a web-survey up to get your feedback on the class. Please take a moment to fill it out. Your feedback will help improve the subject.



Tut 11 – Source debugger

October 5th, 2010 · Comments Off on Tut 11 – Source debugger · Lab

I have arranged for Unity 3 to be installed on the CHI Lab Macs. It includes the debugger that I demonstrated in the lecture. We’ll use it to step through some code. Download the GrowFlowers.js script from the lecture. Create a project to run it in. Remember to save the scene. Set Preferences to use […]



Weird Bug

September 28th, 2010 · Comments Off on Weird Bug · lectures

In last week’s lecture I had some trouble with the script: // GUI.js var label : String; var rect : Rect; function Update() { GUI.Label(rect, label); } Unity was giving the error: Assets/GUI.js(5,13): BCE0019: ‘Label’ is not a member of ‘GUI’. I’ve finally worked out why. When you create this script it makes a new […]



Lab 10 – GUI

September 28th, 2010 · Comments Off on Lab 10 – GUI · Lab

Task 1: Build a GUI with a label and a button. The label should show the number of times the button has been pressed. Task 2: Build a “Security Panel” GUI with buttons labelled “0” through “9” and an “Enter” button. Allow the player to unlock the panel by entering the correct 4 digit PIN. […]



Ass 3 – High score list

September 21st, 2010 · Comments Off on Ass 3 – High score list · assignments

Your final assignment is to implement a high score list for a very simple game. The game itself is just a place holder that randomly generates scores. Your job is to keep a list of high-scores and allow the player to page through them. Requirements Have a “play” button which starts the game. While the […]



Lab 9 – Lists

September 21st, 2010 · Comments Off on Lab 9 – Lists · Uncategorized

Make sure you upload your Ass 2 to your webpage in today’s lab if you have not done so already. Task 1: Rewrite the code from last week’s lab to use variable-length arrays (lists) rather than builtin arrays. Task 2: Allow the user to plant extra flowers by clicking on the screen.



Lost Property

September 19th, 2010 · Comments Off on Lost Property · Uncategorized

I found a small silver palm-top computer in a black case in the class after today’s lecture. I took it up to Security in the Mathews building.



Lab 8 – Arrays

September 14th, 2010 · Comments Off on Lab 8 – Arrays · Lab

This week’s lab involves experimenting with arrays. Start with the following behaviour: // Flowers.js var flowerPrefab : GameObject; var heights : float[]; var flowers : GameObject[]; function Start() { // make as many instances of the prefab // as there are entries in the ‘heights’ array // scale each one according to the height // […]

