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Entries Tagged as 'assignments'

Assignment 2: Missile Command

August 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Assignment 2: Missile Command · assignments

You’re task for assignment 2 is to create a game similar to the old Atari game Missile Command. You don’t have to completely reproduce that game, but you should the following elements: Multiple ‘enemy’ objects falling from the sky A launcher base at the bottom of the screen. When the user clicks on an enemy, […]



Assignment 1 – Submission

August 15th, 2010 · Comments Off on Assignment 1 – Submission · assignments

Submitting the storyboard: Since the storyboards are going to be checked during lab session at week 4 (week 5 for Monday tut), the final PAPER version of the storyboard has to be handed to the tutor at the start of next lab session. Submitting the complete Unity project implementing your scene: 1) Script files: Your […]



Ass 1 Demo

August 10th, 2010 · Comments Off on Ass 1 Demo · assignments

I’ve created a simple demo of the kind of thing I expect for assignment 1. You can play it online here. You can control the plane with the arrow keys. Notice the “physics” are very simple. You don’t need to try to simulate realistic flight. For the two other moving things requirement, I added a […]



Course Forums open

August 5th, 2010 · Comments Off on Course Forums open · assignments

I’ve opened the Course Forums for this subject. Reza, Sam and I will be monitoring the Assignments forum and answering any questions. If you are having any problems, please post them there so that everyone can have access to the answers. Update: You need to register before you can use the forums. It doesn’t just […]



Ass 1 – flight simulator

August 3rd, 2010 · Comments Off on Ass 1 – flight simulator · assignments

Your task for assignment 1 will be to design and program a simple flight simulator in Unity. It must contain the following: A plane under the control of the player, as per the controls below. At least two other moving objects in the scene. How they move is up to you. A static landscape to […]

