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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'


August 31st, 2010 · Comments Off on Exam · Uncategorized

I’ve just written the final exam for the subject. It will cover your understanding of javascript and the principles of programming I have been teaching in lectures. The breakdown is as follows: 20 marks are multiple choice, mostly testing your comprehension of small pieces of code (if statements, while statements, for loops, etc). 10 marks […]



THATCamp Canberra

August 30th, 2010 · Comments Off on THATCamp Canberra · Uncategorized

THATcamp Canberra is now finished, I’ve learnt so much in the past two days that it would take three days to write a coherent report. No time for that at present, so for now I’ll just list inΒ  a random way the things I got from ThatCamp. There is the twitterfeed #thatcamp for more extensive […]



AIM Overseas Exchange Competition

August 29th, 2010 · Comments Off on AIM Overseas Exchange Competition · competition, Short courses, Student Exchange, Uncategorized

The Australian Institute for Mobility Overseas (AIM Overseas) in conjunction with AirAsiaX is giving you the opportunity to win a return airfare to London this summer, flying the world’s best low-cost airline AirAsiaX. The competition is open to all Australian university students who are going on, or planning to go on, overseas study programs including […]



Art Of Stealth – Playtest results

August 28th, 2010 · Comments Off on Art Of Stealth – Playtest results · Uncategorized

Over the last week I had 5 playtesters trying out my current version of the game. To pass the level there was a requirement that the player had to survive for a certain amout of time to pass the level they played. This time was converted into a score and a target score had to […]



more whiteboard adventures

August 26th, 2010 · Comments Off on more whiteboard adventures · Uncategorized

This week Olivia and I have been focusing on the schema changes we need to implement in order to capture additional information on Exhibitions.Β  We have been analysing Jonathan Holmes’ wonderful Art@Base exhibitions database, which, as well as providing much needed content, has provided a very useful model for an expanded exhibitions field structure. We […]



PSY-NIN!! Teaser

August 25th, 2010 · Comments Off on PSY-NIN!! Teaser · Uncategorized

Hi Guys, please have a look and come for our playtesting We’ll do the playtesting very soon πŸ™‚



Presentation #2 at SOA Cloud Symposium

August 19th, 2010 · Comments Off on Presentation #2 at SOA Cloud Symposium · Uncategorized

Together with Hiroshi and Kevin, we’ll be presenting more of our evaluation findings at the SOA Cloud Symposium on Oct 6, hope to see you in Berlin! Title: 10 things you didn’t know about cloud platforms: Azure, GAE and Amazon EC2/SimpleDB Abstract:Β  Everyone knows about eventual consistency properties of the cloud, but do you know […]



Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships

August 18th, 2010 · Comments Off on Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships · Uncategorized

The Faculty of Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships (I,L) Up to $4,000 Up to 26 weeks Up to five Scholarships are available annually to encourage undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering to participate in the University’s formal international exchange program in a country where the primary language of instruction is neither English nor the […]



21st International Youth Leadership Conference – Prague January 2011

August 18th, 2010 · Comments Off on 21st International Youth Leadership Conference – Prague January 2011 · conference, Uncategorized

21st International Youth Leadership Conference Prague, Czech Republic – January 6th – 11th, 2011 JOIN STUDENTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD FOR A MEANINGFUL EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Apply now to join a select group of 100 young leaders from as many as 35 different countries for an open-minded exchange of diverse perspectives on contemporary global challenges. Develop […]



SPAN6202: Spanish in Seville, Spain

August 18th, 2010 · Comments Off on SPAN6202: Spanish in Seville, Spain · Short courses, Uncategorized

SPAN6202: Spanish in Seville, Spain 9 January – 5 February 2011 Seville is the capital of Andalusia and is a great location to spend your summer holidays learning Spanish. Seville is home to 700,000 inhabitants and has a rich and varied history, bringing together a striking blend of Berber, Islamic and traditional Spanish cultures. The […]

