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UNSW Students’ International Experience Survey

Posted by on October 13th, 2010 · UNSW

Win one of five $100 gift vouchers by telling us about your international experience.

If you have had an international experience such as short course, international internship, volunteer abroads, conferences or international competitions, please take the 10 minute survey at the link below:

UNSW is currently developing strategies to give UNSW students access to a range of exciting and rewarding international experiences. Your input and feedback will be invaluable to assist the university to build a suite of global education programs that would meet students need and interests.

Five $100 gift vouchers will be selected at random from those who complete the Survey by the 21st November 2010

Note: All data collected in the survey will be treated as private and confidential and will not be used for any other purposes.

PolyU Global Student Challenge (GSC) – Reminder

Posted by on October 13th, 2010 · Uncategorized

A global business plan competition – closing 31st October 2010

In the inaugural 2010 competition, 60 shortlisted teams have been invited and sponsored to Hong Kong and enjoyed an array of activities along with competing head to head with other teams at the Finals.  

Online registration deadline for the same competition in June 2011 will be 31 October 2010, which is less than 2 months away.  You are encouraged to form teams to represent UNSW in this truly global competition.  Qualified members of all shortlisted teams will be sponsored for their flights and accommodation to/from Hong Kong for competing at the Semi/Final competition plus taking part in an array of activities throughout their stay.  

For further information and to register, please visit the competition website:  www.polyu.edu.hk/polyuchallenge.

View the Video featuring students’ experiences:  www.polyu.edu.hk/polyuchallenge/news/video.php

 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Games Showcase Tue Oct 19

Posted by on October 12th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Time: 6-8pm, Tues Oct 19
Room: K17 Level 1 Seminar Room

Every year the students in Game Design Workshop (COMP4431) are challenged to design and prototype innovative game ideas in under six weeks. This year the theme was “COLOUR AND EMOTION” which has inspired a number of wonderful arty games. They will be showcasing their games next Tuesday night, Oct 19, in the Level 1 Seminar Room at CSE.

Also presenting is Steve Wang, founder and COO of Micro Forte, one of Australia’s longest running games studios. Steve will be talking about what it is like to work in the games industry. Steve will also be judging the students’ games for the much-coveted Micro Forte prize.

The event is open to all comers. Beer and pizza will be provided. Please RSVP to malcolmr@cse.unsw.edu.au for numbers.

Intensive 2 week summer unit in Europe

Posted by on October 12th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Intensive 2 week summer unit in Europe, approx. 3 – 17  February 2011 (to be confirmed) at Monash University Prato Centre (Italy) and Brussels (Belgium).  Students will not only study, but also visit political, government and corporate institutions to better understand the roles and functions of these institutions within the European Union. The program incorporates lectures and seminars given by highly qualified academics and practitioners from the European Union, in areas including the History and Politics of the European Union, EU Institutions, Business in the EU, the European Financial System, Business Cultures in Europe, Social Issues facing Europe, EU Enlargement, and EU-Australian Relations.

Assessment: Presentation and Test (whilst in Europe), Essay (due late March, back in Australia). There are no prerequisites for this unit. It is open to Monash students and to students from other Australian universities. Expressions of interest are sought.  Further information (travel requirements, accommodation, costs and enrolment) contact Dr. Paul Kalfadellis, Associate Director of the Monash European and EU Centre on ph 9903-1527 or email Paul.Kalfadellis@buseco.monash.edu.au.  

A minimum number of enrolments are required for the unit to be able to go ahead.

Assignment 3 – submission

Posted by on October 12th, 2010 · assignments

There are two components you will need to deliver:

1) The completed ScoreKeeper.js script. (due Sunday 17 October 2010, 23:59)

2) A web version of your game. (due Sunday 17 October 2010, 23:59)


NYC Next Idea 2010-2011 -Deadline 15th October

Posted by on October 12th, 2010 · competition, Uncategorized

This is a friendly reminder that the registration deadline for NYC Next Idea 2010-2011 is October 15th.  Registration requires student names, contact information, and undergraduate or graduate status. Executive Summaries are due on November 15th

The first round of the competition requires a business plan executive summary describing the business idea and how the students plan to implement it in New York City.  NYC Next Idea is New York City’s annual global business plan competition open exclusively to undergraduate and graduate students and recent alumni of non-U.S. institutions of higher education.

More information, including a link to the registration form, can be found on the competition website: www.nycedc.com/nextidea.

Next week: Investigating the Impact of Technology-enabled Learning and Teaching (TELT) on Student Participation and Student-to-Student Dialogue in Large Lecture Classes

Posted by on October 12th, 2010 · Research, Showcasing Teaching

Dr Katrina Moore, FASS
18 October, 12.30 – 2pm
Learning & Teaching Workshop (Room 416), Level 4 Mathews Building

This workshop will explore the role that online discussion forums can play in facilitating dialogue and interaction among students in large lecture classes. Findings from a research project currently underway in a 2nd-year FASS course will be discussed.

You must register to attend. For more information and to register online, go to: www.edtec.unsw.edu.au/event_rego/events.cfm.

Sample Exam

Posted by on October 10th, 2010 · Uncategorized

As requested, I have made a sample exam available for you to download. This contains the same number and variety of questions as in the final exam, and should be of about the same difficulty.

In the actual exam you will be provided with copies of the Unity Scripting Manual pages for all the important classes referred to in questions (Vector, Random, GameObject, Transform, etc).

Assignment 2 mark is ready to collect

Posted by on October 10th, 2010 · assignments

Assignment 2 marking is finished and the mark and feedbacks are ready to collect by using the below link:


You may contact your tutor during your assigned lab session for more information in regards to the marking.

Please report any error in collecting the result (with the exact error message) to cs1400@cse.unsw.edu.au.


Posted by on October 10th, 2010 · Uncategorized

I have put a web-survey up to get your feedback on the class. Please take a moment to fill it out. Your feedback will help improve the subject.