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Short programs at RSM Erasmus University

Posted by on September 23rd, 2010 · Sept 2010, Short courses

At RSM we welcome international students in our MBA, MSc and BSc exchange programs during a full Autumn or Spring term. In our Spring term, however, there is an extra option for (post)graduate students to participate in a short program which is linked to our MSc exchange program. The short program offers your students ample opportunity to participate in elective courses from our specialized Master programs which include:

  • Accounting and Control,
  • Business Information Management,
  • Entrepreneurship & New Business Venturing,
  • Global Business & Stakeholder Management,
  • Human Resource Management,
  • Management of Innovation,
  • Marketing Management,
  • Organizational Change & Consulting,
  • Strategic Management,
  • Supply Chain Management and
  • Finance.

The short program entails one block of courses for a period of 7-8 weeks. All courses are taught in English.  

Students can participate in either block 1 or 2:

  • Block 1: last week of January until last week of March
  • Block 2: last week of March until last week of May

Exams: at the end of each block

Class profile:

The MSc programs at RSM are pre-experienced; the average age of students is 23 years. Most of our MSc students have some relevant working experience through internships, business projects or part-time management jobs. For this reason MBA students fit in quite easily in our Master courses. Over 80 nationalities participate in our RSM Master programs, therefore exchange students have lots of opportunity to connect and communicate with people from different regions in the world – an essential skill in international business.

For more information on the Short Program:

Linda de Vries, Head International Office, RSM Erasmus University

E-mail: Lvries@rsm.nl

Web: http://www.rsm.nl/home/international/rsm_for_your_exchange/

Teaching, Construction, Conservation and Marine Projects in Borneo – January 2011

Posted by on September 23rd, 2010 · Sept 2010, Uncategorized

**Applications are now open for end-of-year UniBreak Placements  (departing end Nov & beg. Jan) ** 

A fantastic new opportunity for students to travel to Borneo to carry out volunteer placements in teaching, construction, conservation and marine projects during their end-of year break . 

 The UniBreak program gives students students an opportunity to travel overseas during their Uni holidays, help contribute to a community development project and apply their course work in practical and sometimes challenging settings. All UniBreak placements are organised and supported by Antipodeans Abroad, an educational travel provider involved in facilitating and managing personal and professional development programs for schools, universities and professionals since 1990. 

What is the UniBreak Program?  

The UniBreak Program is ideal for students who want to make the most of their Uni holidays and gain valuable personal and professional life experience. The program is tailored to help students gain practical experience in their chosen field of study and to immerse themselves in another culture by living and working in a developing country. It is also a chance for them to make a contribution to sustainable development, be constructive in their Uni holidays and experience life in a culture  very different to their own. 

Volunteers travel in small groups of tertiary-age students from across Australia and are managed and supported by our In-country Agents. Accommodation and food is provided and students either stay in a family homestay or in volunteer accommodation. 

Teaching, Construction, Conservation and Marine Projects in Borneo – January 2011 

Students may choose to live and work for 4 weeks (longer if desired) in a rural Sabahan community in Borneo. Despite obvious hardships, locals are overwhelmingly warm and generous and greatly appreciate all student contributions to the community. During the placement, students may  be involved in the following activities:

  • Wildlife/environmental projects helping to reforest endangered areas
  • Ecotourism/enviromental projects on the banks of a river teeming with animals  such as crocodiles, wild boars, elephants, assorted birdlife and apes and monkeys including the Borneo Orangutan
  • Ocean projects including the opportunity to gain a PADI Open Water diving qualification
  • Teaching in the primary school and pre-school
  • Teaching English to village elders
  • Refurbishing the school classrooms
  • Assisting with harvesting and planting
  • Development of an agro-tourism project and an indigenous medicine garden
  • Involvement in the nightly games of football, volleyball or badminton with locals

 Generalist Volunteer Placements  

Students may also choose to live and teach for 4 weeks(longer if desired) in Cambodia, Nepal, India, China, Vietnam, Ghana, Kenya and Peru. The attached UniBreak Info Brief includes further information on volunteer placements in a wide range of fields:        

Teaching, Health Care, Social Work, Community Development, Construction and Project Management, Sports Development, Dentistry and Care Work 

Why Antipodeans Abroad? 

Antipodeans Abroad is an Australian owned Sydney based educational and volunteer travel company. We specialise in creating high quality experiential learning placements for school and university students in developing countries. Programs are structured, well-supportive, provide comprehensive risk management and offer unique learning opportunities for students in a global context.

  • Over 13 years experience working with students in developing countries
  • Australian based head office
  • Pre-departure preparation and training
  • Extensive risk management experience and practice
  • Volunteers ALWAYS travel in small groups of students from across Australia
  • Managed placements in-country in conjunction with local In-country Agents
  • 24-hour support & back up
  • 24-hour medical consultant at Travellers Medical and Vaccination Clinic
  • Partnership with Student Flights to ensure students are on same flights
  • Premium travel insurance


 What is the next step in applying for the placement? 

Interested students should read through the attached Information Brief and find out more about each placement, then follow the steps below to apply. 

 Step 1. UniBreak Program Information Night 

Antipodeans Abroad hold UniBreak Information Nights each month for interested students. UniBreak Information Nights are a great way for students to find out more information, meet other students planning a trip abroad and ask any questions they may have. 

I would greatly appreciate your assistance in informing students of this opportunity. 

Upcoming Information Night in Sydney 

Tuesday 28 September 

6.30pm – 7.30pm 

Suite 303a, 282 Victoria Ave, Chatswood, SYDNEY 

 Upcoming Information Night Online  

Tuesday 05 October 6pm – 6.45pm 


** Please Register Online at www.antipodeans.com.au/info-nights.htm 

Step 2. Online Application 

Applying for a place in the program is easy, simply fill in the Online Application Form at this link http://www.antipodeans.com.au/uni-break/interview-form.htm 

we will be in contact with you shortly afterwards to discuss your application. 

 UniBreak Video! 

Check out some previous students on the ground in our UniBreak video  “Your World.”

Go to this link!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8e2VJNex_g

Student Experience 

“My experience on placement has reinforced that I am in the right career; following my passion. Having the chance to work in a Special Education school in Thailand has made me recognise the pros and cons of working in that stream of education. I was involved in teaching 5 days a week. I think the workload was perfect. I think it is fantastic that Antipodeans Abroad organises the work prior to arriving to ensure time is not wasted.” – Carly, UniBreak Student, RMIT Primary Education Placement, Thailand

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Short Courses at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Posted by on September 23rd, 2010 · Sept 2010, Short courses

Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University (FUBiS) is an intensive academic program which takes place both in summer and winter. The terms run for 4 to 6 weeks and each term can be taken separately. Our mission is to provide international students with a premier study abroad program delivering the highest academic quality and furthering the development of intercultural competence.

The quality of our program has been approved by the US-American Forum on Education Abroad. We have successfully completed the Forum’s Quality Improvement Program (QUIP). In addition to demonstrating that FUBiS meets the Forum’s Standards of Good Practice, we have committed ourselves to offering high quality study abroad programs and to continuous assessment and improvement.

The FUBiS winter term will take place from January 15 – February 12, 2011 and includes the following courses:

  • German language courses on five levels of proficiency
  • European Studies (taught in English)
    The course will introduce the basics of the European Union and describe and explain the processes of widening and deepening of this unique political entity. It will cover an overview of European Union history, its evolution in economic and political terms and the development of its institutional structure up to today. The candidacy of Turkey for EU membership and energy security will also be in the focus of the course.
  • Film as Collaborative Art – Special Focus: Berlinale 2011 (taught in English)
    The course focuses on the diverse crafts and artistic departments of filmmaking and their share of the final work. Besides the work in class, students will visit Berlin-based film institutions and observe the events at the onset of the International Film Festival Berlinale 2011.

The combination of a German language course and a subject course is possible. This allows students to improve their language skills as well as further their knowledge of a subject matter.

Study visits within Berlin are an integral part of all our courses. In addition, FUBiS offers field trips along the former Berlin Wall and to the Berlin Reichstag as well as a day trip to Dresden.

FUBiS is fully authorized to grant credits which students can transfer to their home universities. After the successful completion of the program, every student will receive an official transcript of the Freie Universität Berlin.

The course tuition is 800 EUR for each course. A program fee of 200 EUR applies in addition to the tuition and includes several activities, a student ID, a transcript, access to computing (incl. internet) and printing facilities on campus and a welcome and farewell buffet.

For more information on the program, classes, tuition, accommodation, excursions and other immersion activities, please visit www.fubis.org and do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or require more information.

Exploring the affordances of the online learning tool, UNSW Wikispaces, in enhancing the group assessment experience for both students and tutors

Posted by on September 22nd, 2010 · Research, Researching Learning and Teaching, Resources, Uncategorized

Helen Caple (EMPA) & Mike Bogle (TRC/FASS)

In this seminar Helen and Mike reported on the initial findings from a small research project investigating the large enrolment course experience in relation to group assessment and online learning tools, in particular UNSW Wikispaces.

You can view their slides here: Helen Caple & Mike Bogle Slides
You can read a full seminar abstract here: Helen Caple & Mike Bogle Abstract

Ass 3 – High score list

Posted by on September 21st, 2010 · assignments

Your final assignment is to implement a high score list for a very simple game. The game itself is just a place holder that randomly generates scores. Your job is to keep a list of high-scores and allow the player to page through them.


  • Have a “play” button which starts the game.
  • While the game is playing, hide the GUI.
  • When the game is over, display the latest score and the high-scores in descending order, five per page.
  • Provide “Previous” and “Next” buttons to allow the player to page through the scores. Don’t page beyond the end of the list.
  • Optional Bonus: for an extra 10%, prompt the player for a name when the game is over, and show both names and scores in the list.

There is a demo app here. Feel free to make your version prettier if you want, but you must implement all the functionality of this demo.

Lab 9 – Lists

Posted by on September 21st, 2010 · Uncategorized

Make sure you upload your Ass 2 to your webpage in today’s lab if you have not done so already.

Task 1: Rewrite the code from last week’s lab to use variable-length arrays (lists) rather than builtin arrays.

Task 2: Allow the user to plant extra flowers by clicking on the screen.

Call for Papers TECHNARTE 2011

Posted by on September 21st, 2010 · Uncategorized

Virtual reality, interactive architecture, artificial life, nano-art,

robotics or augmented reality, just to mention a few, are some of the

diverse and innovative subjects that constitute the program of

<http://www.technarte.org/> Technarte this year.

Technarte is a unique conference that merges art and technology and that in

2011 will celebrate its 6th edition, on the 19th and 20th of May at the

Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall in Bilbao, Spain

<http://www.technarte.org/en/speakers/call_for_papers.php> You can also be

part of Technarte and promote your artistic and technological projects in

this great forum formed by artists and experts in technology from all around

the world, where you will be able to share your experiences and will

discover transgressor and surprising initiatives.

Technarte will bring together in Bilbao, Spain, artists, experts of Centres

of Technological Research and professionals of the art world and technology

in all its forms (researchers and developers of art centres and research

labs, professionals of museums, universities, etc.), with which you can

share your experiences and who will show you the most innovative artistic


<http://www.technarte.org/en/speakers/call_for_papers.php> Send us your

paper before November 1st 2010 and don’t miss out on this opportunity! If

the combination between art and technology is essential in your life,

<http://www.technarte.org/en/index.php> Technarte is your Conference.

Send your paper before 1st November and be part of this fantastic event,

that will be held in Bilbao, Spain, on 19 and 20 May 2011

More info at: http://www.technarte.org/es/speakers/call_for_papers.php

Lost Property

Posted by on September 19th, 2010 · Uncategorized

I found a small silver palm-top computer in a black case in the class after today’s lecture. I took it up to Security in the Mathews building.

Floodgates open!

Posted by on September 17th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Many of you, particularly those of you on the Editorial Board and the Art- and Design Research Groups will have been receiving  quite a few emails from Olivia and I this week; informing you of consultation processes and timelines; providing reports and asking for feedback, updates on how work is proceeding on the MREII grant.

Others will have been talking to Zina Kaye, our consultant Business Analyst. I have now managed to have a lovely informative telephone conversation with everyone except two of our CIs who are currently overseas. Its been great to finally chat to everyone, it grounds the project back to its core business of research. I’ve been learning so much about Australian art history. I had no idea how little I knew. its wonderful to be on learning curve.

A lot of the recent communication frenzy is due to the fact that the jewel in the DAAO crown, Olivia Bolton, is about to go on her first holiday in way too long and so we are both finalising matters requiring her core knowledge before she goes off for a wonderful relaxing  email free month in France. It will calm down once Olivia goes at end September.

The project is really gearing up. We now have a Data Manager, Jo Croucher, who will work with us for 2 days a week until Christmas. Jo is seconded to us from UNSW library is a very able and tech savvy librarian who is very proficient in metadata organisation. She has come on board just in time as she will be crucial to our process of metadata field extension and refinement.

Over the next few weeks, you will find more activity happening on the Research Finding page as we start loading up summaries of your feedback to various tasks. By communicating to each other through google docs by way of questionnaires and forms, shared documents and then feeding them back into the blog, I am hoping to make the processes of our collaboration as transparent as possible. We also have the side benefit of generating documentation as we go.  I have posted up a table on the Research Results page that shows how CIs have been organised into groups that provide different resources to the DAAO over the life of the grant.

(BTW: Apologies to those members of the Art Advisory group that received a questionnaire with a repeat of block text in a section- working in those tiny workflow boxes in google forms is as bad as some of the text boxes in the back end of the DAAO.  Our proofer will pick up such errors in future!)

AIESEC UNSW Summer 2010-2011 Global Exchange Projects

Posted by on September 16th, 2010 · Internships, Sept 2010, Uncategorized, Volunteer

This Summer do you want to:

  • Broaden your worldview by experiencing a new country, new culture, and learning new things?
  • Work and live with young people from all over the world for 2-3months?
  •  Improve your communication and leadership skills?
  • Do this all with a global student organisation of over 100 countries and 1100 universities?


Travel Aboard, Make an Impact and Have the Time of your Life at the same time with AIESEC this Summer, a global student network of over 100 countries !

We still have positions available in the following programs:

  • Double the Fun (Indonesia+Malaysia)
  • Answers, Solutions, Knowledge in Africa (Togo and Ghana)
  • GK Build Program (Phillipines)
  • Young EntrepreneurS (Togo and Ghana)

For more information and also to see other programs on offer you can:

  • Visit our website: www.aiesecunsw.org
  • Join our Facebook Page HERE and sign up to our mailing list here to keep yourself updated
  • Visit the information tables to talk to past exchange participants and friendly AIESECers: 22nd and 23rd September, 11-2pm, outside the main library